Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two Down, Two To Go

Two big events have come and gone. First my mom's 60th birthday celebration and yesterday evening Adam and Isabelle were baptized. We first attended mass at 5:30. Before we knew it, it was 6:40 and the kids still had to get changed into their baptism clothes. Adam wore a white 5 piece suit. He looked very handsome and it seemed like he knew it too. Isabelle wore a huge white gown. It was satiny, it had an organza overlay, it had a huge organza bow, it was embroidered, and beaded. She looked tiny in it. It was difficult to hold her because it was so big. But, she looked absolutely adorable, and people told me so! She was happy and talkative too. Both kids did great, they didn't cry during the ceremony at all. Adam actually looked like he was wondering why his hair was getting washed again. When they were annointed they both looked at the deacon and seemed to enjoy it. It was a special evening.

After the ceremony we headed on home. Everyone was hungry, but Adam wasn't acting like himself. Once we got home and got him undressed we noticed he was burning up. Turns out the little guy was running a 100.7 fever! So, after a dose of Tylenol, he was sent to bed and he was soon fast asleep.
Today has been a very peaceful day. I've been making batches of candy for Adam's birthday party goody bags. I had found a car candy mold on clearance and finally used it for the first time. But, since it was the only one and it only has 5 molds on it, the process takes a while. We've cleaned house, had the Samson's over along with Aunt Janie, and just hung out playing. Next weekend brings the real craziness. Adam's party! We've kept it pretty small and simple in hopes to ease the stress on ourselves. I hope it turns out fun for everyone (or at least wears the kids out so the parents can have a break afterwards).
So, this last week we also tried to consign some stuff. This turned out to be alot more hassle than we thought. Turns out, Kid to Kid and Once Upon A Child, both are not accepting onsies. Ok, well that wiped out most of Isabelle's clothes. But, that left most of Adam's clothes. Hmmm...I guess they didn't like those either. I don't get it. I went shopping in one of those stores and there was still winter stuff out! There weren't near enough Spring and Summer clothes. But yet, they didn't want 20 shirts of Adam's that were bought this time last year? Short sleeved t-shirts. Cute t-shirts....or so I thought. I looked through the rack for his size and there were tons of long sleeved, turtlenecks, and even two leather jackets. Uhhhh, I don't think it's exactly leather jacket type weather anymore. So, I'm still left with all these baby girl clothes and I'm sure I'll still have lots of size 18month clothes left too once the last place gets done inspecting.
Another week is fast approaching and it's bound to be stressful. Tuesday brings another center meeting to discuss the impact of the economy on our center. Great! More whispers, more shut doors, more stressed out people. I'm making it a point to lay low, do my work, volunteer for more work, be cheerful and helpful, and just stay gainfully employed. I've been told I'm not on "the list" but who knows. I'm just doing my part to keep my name off "the list".
So, I've had two big events pass by, now to survive Adam's party, and then the trip to Wisconsin. I've begun the list making and gathering. The rooms are booked, the rental selected, and soon we'll be packing stuff up! Joseph is getting so excited and was offered a wonderful job opportunity that he accepted. He's working with both the Mayor of Milwaukee and now the Governor of Wisconsin!
Looking forward to next week! I'm sure it'll be a blast!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Let's Catch Up

Where to start? Easter was busy around the Spencer household. Daniel and I didn't work on Good Friday. We intended to go see a movie and just relax. I honestly can't remember what all we did, but we ran around alot and didn't relax much. That happens every time!

I began to feel sick that night and it got worse Saturday. It was so bad I began to worry that maybe the doctor had not done her job right and I was pregnant - AGAIN! I still managed to go to the party, but the first part was spent feeling sick and worn out. I slowly began to feel better after a nice bowl of tortilla soup (we were at El Fenix) and I was so glad. My cousin had come up from Houston and it was a blast. She had not even seen Isabelle yet so it was great to see her get to bond with her. She bought her adorable clothes and gave Adam some really cute toys. He'll love the ball and bat, he already loves the bucket because he enjoys putting things away so much, and the rake and shovel will keep him busy forever too! The visit was so short as they drove up that morning and left to go back right after lunch. We hope to go for a visit soon, especially to see the new lakehouse! Way cool!

Easter was a blur. We visited with so many people. The kids baskets were made by my sister and she did a fantastic job! She just adores these kiddos!

I was still feeling sick, so I was unable to really enjoy myself. I hope I wasn't too much of a downer.

Adam isn't a toddler anymore. He's just a little boy. His little sentences make me smile. He loves to get our attention and tell us stuff. His favorite animal sound bee. Bee! Bzzzzz! It's adorable. I really need to get it on video. Next thing I know, he'll be off to elementary. I don't want to think about it.

Isabelle is now 3 months old. She's changed so much, but she's still my cuddler. By this age, Adam was already rolling over. If she's angry enough, she almost can, but thankfully it seems she's content to just be a baby. I was looking at 4 month old pictures of Adam and the difference is remarkable. He seemed more alert and observant. She is too, but just not as much as Adam. Adam just never really seemed like a baby. She coos and kicks, giggles and is developing her belly laugh. She loves moving her tongue around and every once in a while she'll suck on her lips. Adam used to get his top lip and just suck on it. It made the cutest sound and face. Oh, he loved to do that. She does it a couple of times and then stops. I hope she'll do it for a while so I can get it on video. She recognizes her Mommy and Daddy, and today she got her ears pierced. Yep, she's got little studs. She did really well. My dear friend from high school and her mom did it. They are the only ones besides the doctor that I would even consider doing it. So, the boys got their haircuts and Belle got her ears pierced. She cried for a minute, turned red, and then she got a bottle. She was fine. I didn't even cry, although a tear did pop up, but I quickly wiped it away.

The kids will be baptized on the 25th. This will be so special to us. This is also Daniel's birthday and he is so proud. I'm happy to finally be doing this. We've tried for a year and half to get Adam baptized, but it just never worked out. This time, I started planning early. They've got beautiful baptismal outfits that my parents bought. So much for the one we'd bought! My dad said it wasn't good enough for his granddaughter. Adam will look so sharp in his white suit. But, mostly they will be in the care of Christ. It's an event that charts a course for their lives. We know that most likely they will attend parochial schools and yes we're ok with paying the tuition for that. It's the beginning of their life in the Church and the receiving of the Holy Sacraments. Daniel and I will have to improve on our own path so that we can lead by example. I love that Daniel is willing to be open to raising our children Catholic, even though he isn't. That means alot. I hope that they will knowledgeable of their religion, but also be tolerant and want to know about other religions. That way, when the time comes they can make their own decision about which religious path to follow on their own. That's years down the road, but the journey is about to begin for them. That's special to me.

Work has been picking up for us! YEAH!!!!! The expansion has begun. In fact, today we watched the trees being lifted by crane right outside out our window. Yesterday the cut a water line and for a brief while we had a pool. We have fun watching all the workers do their jobs, or not, and we've even made up names for them. After the layoff we had and the way it affected the morale, this is a welcome diversion. It's given us all something to be excited about.

We're almost done planning Adam's party, but here's the specifics. May 2nd, 11:30 AM, Leapin' Lizards in North Richland Hills. The party is early this year because we leave for Wisconsin on May 13th and didnt' want to cram so much into that last week. You know how crazy it is when you're getting ready for a big trip! So, we're getting everything done early.

Well, I really should get to bed. I've had to spend alot of time on the computer tonight. I don't know how long my playlist has been messed up on here, but somehow it was not mine. There were songs on there I'd never even heard of. But, I got it all fixed now and even found songs I hadn't heard in forever.