I can't believe it's already September! And the middle of September at that! We've been in our own little world little, completely enjoying our little ones, and amazed by how fast they are growing. Let's start with Adam.
Conversations with Adam are hilarious! He is potty trained now and only wears a diaper at night and if we are going to be out an about for a long time. Other than that he has done fantastic. We can't remember the last time he had an accident. We went to a Rangers game recently and he was just amazed! He's been to a few, but this was the first time that he really knew where he was. He was all prepared with his Spongbob glove, but was so disappointed that he didn't catch a ball. He would tell us "I catch ball now." He is such a sports fanatic....I wonder where he got that from? He loves his Sissy so much that as soon as he wakes up he runs to her bed. If she cries he runs to her to tell her she's ok. If she wants something he brings it to her and says "Here go Sissy".
Isabelle has grown so much in the past month! She was once a quiet watchful baby, totally content to sit in your lap and watch the goings on. Those days are OVER! She began scooting along at 7 months or so. She'd get up on all fours and just fling herself forward. Then she began to pull up on stuff. Next thing we knew she was crawling! All that and she sprouted three teeth too! Our baby is thriving and healthy. She has been wearing her eye patch since early August and we're hoping too avoid surgery. She was fine wearing it until a couple weeks ago when she began crying about it and falling asleep. Well, then the patch isn't doing any good. So, the sitter now puts it on her each day and she does much better. I think it helps that she has the other kids there to distract her.
I celebrated my 32nd birthday on Aug. 21st. Did you hear about the fun I had? Yep, it was lots of fun and I'm glad that it's over! It was another great year for me. Our princess joined our family and she's like the gift that keeps on giving. She's brought so much joy and certainly completes our family. Daniel and I also celebrated our 14th anniversary of togetherness. 14!!!!!
Work is so busy! The walls for the expansion are all up and business is continuing to increase. That's great news, but not when they haven't increased the personnel. And to top it off, we have a weeklong audit next week. Good times!
On the 25th, Daniel and I will be married for 10 years! It's hard to believe it's been so long. I remember all the preparations, the excitment, and that first year of marriage. Yeah, that was rough. I went from living with my parents to living with a husband and the responsibilities of everything! I remember wondering what the heck I had gotten myself into. Isn't that awful? I'm glad we stuck it out, we grew together and found out how to compromise. I'm also glad we didn't have kids right away. It gave us time to grow up and find out who we were as individuals and as a couple. We've had lots of ups and downs, triumphs, and heartbreaking tragedies, but we made it through them together. When I've experienced the worst pain imaginable, he was there. He's stood beside me through some of the most terrible mistakes a person could make and I adore him for it. He's a great father, husband, provider, and man. I sure am glad I married him! I love you baby!!!! We will be celebrating by going to Hot Springs for the weekend. I can't wait! We haven't had that much alone time in years! I sure hope we have plenty to talk about since we won't have kids to fill in the gaps.