Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rest is for the weary

Well, well, well, another week has gone by and not so much as a post. Sorry, but I've been busy. Since my last post, Adam officially turned two and we had our big road trip of 2009. We had doctor appointments before we left and all went well. We dosed them both up with Tylenol in preparation for shots. Adam got lucky and avoided them. It seems he was all caught up and didn't need any. Yeah! But, Isabelle got 4.....wah wah wah. I was glad that it didn't affect her mood because she did great. No fevers, no fussing, she was all smiles.

Adam has been Adam. What can I say? One moment so sweet, the next wreaking havoc. During a recent night while we were in Milwaukee, we had dinner with my nephew and his friends to celebrate. My adorable little boy was winding down his busy day in my lap. Happily snuggled up on my lap. All of a sudden, he sat up, pursed his lips to give me kisses. So sweet, right? Well, then he looked at me, pursed his lips, and kissed each cheek then my lips again!! I have no idea where he got the idea, who or when he may have seen this, but it was about the most heart melting thing EVER! He knew it too, cause then he kept on.
Conversations with a two year old are pretty funny! They go something like this:
Daniel: Adam, what do you want to wear?
Adam: Cars!
Daniel: Motorcycles?
Adam: No, I want Cars.
After this conversation he came to me and said:
Adam: Mommy, Cars! *points at shirt*
Me: That's way cool!
Adam: And bints.
Me: And what?
Adam: bints!
Me: Sorry, but I don't understand, show me.
Adam: Bnts! *points to his pants*
Me: OH!!!!! Yes, pants. Thanks for being patient with Mommy.
When we're all ready to leave:
Us: Adam, it's time to go, are you ready?
Adam: No, I play

It's amazing to think back to how he used to just be a baby. Now, he tells me what he needs and wants. He knows all the flashcards that we've been practicing, except he calls the picture of the king Daddy. Hmmmm, do you think Daniel told him this once or twice? I wonder. When you ask him how old he is, he tells you "I'm two". Sometimes at night I hear on the monitor when he's tossing and turning. Sometimes, I hear him mumble "mommy" in his sleep. That's how I know he loves me and needs me. I know then that I am with him all the time, even in his dreams.

The trip went well. Adam did much better on the trip. In fact, there was very little crying in the van. This made me very happy. Both kids did good in the van actually. Poor Isabelle though, all cooped up in that carseat. But she was a trooper. Daniel drove all the way there and back, but he really doesn't mind all that driving. I felt bad though because after all that driving he didn't even go to the graduation. See, Adam had "one of those days" and Daniel took one for the team. It ended up being the best thing to do because the day we had was hectic. Left the hotel at 7:30, drove downtown, parked a couple blocks away, 2 hour ceremony, then walked back to the car, drove to the campus quickly (after getting lost first) to find parking, ran to Subway and ate quickly, then rushed to the degree ceremony at 2. Then came the tears and saying goodbye. Adam would have been terrible and the seats were so crowded! I'm short and my knees were nearly touching the head in front of me! Adam surely would have kicked someone. Instead, Daniel and the kids stayed in the room, relaxed, watched movies, ordered room service, and spent a non chaotic day together.

We visted the Harley Davidson Museum.....three times! Let me explain. Everyone went the first time and looked at everything. Well, as much as Adam would let us. He wasn't handling the reading very well because all he wanted to see was "kye kye" (translation: cycle). We visited the souvenir shop and bought a few things. We forgot to call Aunt Janie and David to see if they needed anything. She happened to call shortly after Daniel decided he wanted a different shirt. So, the following day we made another trip to the museum to exchange shirts and pick up ones for Janie and David. We got back to the hotel and discovered that Daniel was given the original shirt back! So, after the full day I had at the graduation, Daniel and I headed back out to the museum to exchange it again. They were super nice and gave us a few freebies- 3 stickers and a lapel pin! How nice was that?! And we finally got the right shirt to boot! The museum has lots of cool exhibits with a wall of engines that you can push a button to hear, a wall of fuel tanks from the different models, and tons and tons of bikes! It was interesting to hear the true Harley riders talk amongst themselves. Now I can speak pilot talk, but this Harley talk was a whole different language! I wish I knew what they were discussing because it sounded pretty interesting.

Princess Isabelle is growing. I looked at her weight in comparison to Adam's at her age. Adam was a whopping 16.9 lbs! She's two pounds lighter! She's begun rolling back to front now and is such a giggle box. Adam makes her crack up as she just watches him play. Soon enough, she'll be running around behind him stealing his toys. That's going to be fun.

Well, this has been a long one. I've tried to include the highlights and I hope I haven't jumped around too much. Til next time!

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