Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Looky here, I finally check in. What excuse do I have? TWO KIDS!!!!!

Alot has been happening in the Spencer world....let's recap in no particular order.

Adam's potty training is going well. He is officially on week two, but is quickly catching on now. He's wearing undies now and says "Pee" when it's time. This morning he went first thing and then Daniel got him dressed. So, he's walking around talking and starts saying "Pee". I start convincing him to walk to the potty, but it was too late, he had already had an accident. Poor little guy, he felt so bad. Although, to watch him waddle his way to his room was quite funny. Like he'd just gotten off a horse! Anyway, while changing him he had the saddest look in his eyes while we explained that it was an Uh Oh, and big boys only go on the potty. We'll see how he did throughout the day.

Adam listens to the radio and loves the Black Eyed Peas song Boom Boom Pow. Daniel had told me he'll sing it, but I hadn't heard him. So, driving home yesterday it was on, but then went off. He quietly tells me "I want Boom Boom Pow". It was so cute that I had him repeat it and he did. He's becoming much more clear spoken and such a sweetie. The other day, Daniel was slicing cheddar cheese (which Adam loves). Daniel gave him his slice and Adam held his hand up and said "and Mommy?". Daniel gave him another slice and Adam ran over with the biggest grin and said "and Mommy". I didn't realize he had asked for a slice for me until Daniel told me....to which I cried. Yep, cried. I guess because it was the first time that Adam did something out of kindness for another person. Sure, he's nice, he shares, and all, but this was different. He actually thought of asking for a slice for me. To me, that means I just may be doing something right!

And as for Baby Belle, aka Lil Mama, she's just a doll. She rolls over like a champ! She loves gazing at her hands. Her feet are new to her and she just loves to play with them. Her newest thing is so cute, but I think we'll soon have teeth popping up. She rubs her gums together, which makes her look like a baby bulldog. Her bottom lip comes up a little bit as she raises her bottom gum to her top and she'll just concentrate on rubbing. It's funny! This also makes her cheeks all the more irresistable to pinch. She gets so excited at things that she's begun to flail around, thus punching and scratching me. I'm surprised I still have a top lip. She also went swimming this past Sunday for the first time. She donned her little pink ruffly bikini and floated for a bit, but then she wanted to be next to me. Adam also swam and he's now earned his gills. He was fetching in his one piece flotation device with an additional pair of arm floaties (Cars, of course). He was nervous at first, but within 5 minutes he was having a blast. Ever the daredevil, he was jumping into the water and into Daniel's arms. This makes me nervous, but all I get is an eye roll from Daniel. So, now Daniel can be the official lifeguard of Adam so I don't get gray hairs yet!

In other, non Spencer household news, my sister is officially getting divorced! THIS IS GREAT NEWS! All that read this should already know the history behind this, so I'll spare those details (and save you from hearing my ranting). The papers will be signed by her tomorrow and he should be served within a week or two. They are going to expedite this since they know where he's at right now- in jail. No surprise there.

This past Saturday, my sister kept the kids while Daniel and I had a night out. We ran around like crazy! We saw the new movie UP! It was very cute, somewhat sad, and funny. It's full of color with all those balloons too! How funny is it that we went to a Disney movie without the kids? We ran around for a while, making sure to visit Mandy as she recuperated. Then visited Hooters for a breat cancer 3-day walk bake sale. It was really awesome to see the goodies and the other handmade items they had. I'm sure Daniel enjoyed checking out the couple of Hooters girls that came out while he was there too.....not that he was looking or anything.

Well, I think that sums up quite a bit. I hope I didn't leave anything out. Til next time!

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