Thursday, June 11, 2009

Go Sit!

Last night's hilarious conversation with Adam:
Me: "Adam, let me get your plate before you drop it." (he was wiping clean his highchair )
Adam: :"No!"
Me: "Adam, before you make a mess, let me take the plate to the sink, please."
Adam: *raises index finger* "No Mommy! Go!" *points finger to sofa* "Go Sit!"
Me: *holding back from laughing* "Adam, you don't speak to Mommy like that, you are a little boy."

Daniel and I wanted to laugh so badly!

Wednesday's storms kept me in a tizzy. Now, anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I am a nervous nelly, especially when there's severe storms. Daniel just indulges me on my need to run around like a mother hen and prepare for the apocalypse that I'm sure is heading our way. He actually even packed up the diaper bag with the essentials: diapers, wipes, water, formula, bottle/cup....oh wait, he left those out. Lot of good that would have done us once said apocalypse had come! I got the flashlight, got Adam dressed and with shoes. Daniel sat there completely not understanding that, but to me it made since. Duh, Adam can't walk around with glass and debris everywhere. I know, I'm such a worrier. But, the news doesn't help when every second they are saying there's a tornado a few miles North and they even issued a Tornado Warning for places that hadn't even been rained on yet. The wind howled, electricity flashed off, then back on before I could reach the dang thing, flashes of lightning at every blink of an eye, but no end of the world came. THANK HEAVEN!

Today at work, I felt like I was inside of a brushless car wash. It looked like a dang hurricane! The area outside my window faces the South and is under construction. The dried up desert that was there yesterday is now affectionately known as "South Lake" . Clever huh? Well, the lake got bigger and bigger, and as the wind whipped around it actually had white caps. The rain flew in horizontal and would slam into the window. It would lighten up and the the next wave. I've not seen storms like that in years. Usually a line blows through and we're done, but it just kept coming. I will try to post a picture tomorrow of what the lake looked like at the end of the day. There were no planes leaving of course, but once the weather cleared it was back to business as usual and I always enjoy watching the planes. I'm such a geek! Show me a 777, 747, or a new 767 with winglets and I'm amazed. Now I know where Adam gets it from. I'm one of those people that would sit on the hood of a car, pondering life's possibilities while gazing at the planes on final approach for hours! Or enjoy the rush of watching a plane takeoff at max power and wonder where all those people are going. See, total geek.....

Tonight we were playing with Adam and he was getting way to wild. So, I said "Freeze!" He kept spinning then would say "Freeze". The other day we were driving and saw a train. He was in the back and said "Train! Toot Toot!" We laughed. Isabelle has begun to say "mamamama". Oh, how quickly you forget all these little things. When you come home from a crazy chaotic day and your kids smile and giggle, you know you've accomplished the greatest in life and God has to offer.

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