Today ended up being just another day at the house. I didn't go to work with Isabelle. Leonard said that it would be better to wait until next week. A few people were leaving early and a lot ot the managers weren't there. So, it was just another day of Isabelle and I staring at each other, and the walls staring at us.
Thankfully, she is staying awake more. She is staying up after feedings and she loves to just look at me. It's like she is staring right into your soul. Daniel freaks out about her eyes. Her right eye still shifts left and right quite a bit, while her left one stays pretty centered. I keep telling him this is normal and her eye muscles just have to strengthen, even the dr said so, but it still gets to him. I've already been showing her a laminated paper I have with bold black and white patterns. I hope this helps her focus easier and builds up those muscles that worry her Daddy so much.
Tonight we went to Sams to pick up a few things- like formula. We got $5 checks for her formula, so we went and stocked up on a couple of canisters. $110 later and we were done. I don't recall exactly what all we bought, but I think Adam must have snuck some stuff in the cart because that was more than what we went in for! After that we went to Sweet Tomatoes. My new favorite. I'm sick of frozen food...bleh!!! So, going there is satisfying my craving for fresh food. Adam was ok, but it seems like he wanted to start a food fight. He's always wanting to throw something, but he's gotten good about not throwing food, until today. He is such a picky eater. I know I am too, but it's not like he knows I hate cornbread. But tonight I noticed that if you ask him if he wants pizza he says no. But, if you call it bread he tried it. Oh, and he did like cornbread. Bleh!
I so wanted to go shopping tonight. Maybe it's more like I just wanted to be out of the house. I don't usually like to spend money. I tend to be the one that says no we don't need that. But, sometimes I just want to shop. It doesn't have to be for anything expensive, or even anything in particular. I just want to go spend money. My little retail therapy I guess. But, we didn't get done with dinner til after 9, so Daniel got lucky and all the money is still in the bank. There's always tomorrow and Sunday though!
Daniel has to go to work tomorrow, but my Mommy is coming over to help with the kids. She hasn't seen Isabelle and Adam lately, so she has to come get her grandbaby fix. I love to watch her with them. She's just so calm and loving, yet has boundaries that she enforces with Adam. He definitely needs those!
As you can see, it's really been a very quiet day.
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