Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Was I Thinking!

This morning Daniel didn't go into work until around 10:30, but I decided to keep both kids. Mostly because I didn't want Adam in the car in case anything happened on the roads (sorry, Daniel, but you're grown!) and I didn't want Daniel on the roads any more than he had to be. Whew....I've questioned my sanity since then. Adam is a great helper, but he's testing us. Pretty much everything you ask him to do, or tell him to stop doing (like swinging a balloon back and forth while running around near the baby) is a battle of the wills. He's at that age when you have to get up and give him "the look" so he will actually listen to you. Since Isabelle's arrival he's reverted back to whining alot. If he gets frustrated he whines. If he wants something he whines. If you don't move fast enough he whines. So, our favorite phrase is "stop whining, use your words" again. Other than that he's been pretty good. Lunchtime was hectic though, trying to feed both kids, one who I have to hold the bottle for, the other spoon feed (he was having spaghetti and I was being lazy and didn't want to clean up the mess afterwards), but we made it through alive and now they are both napping.

I've just finished up my workout for the day!!! We got the Wii Fit and I set up my Mii on it last night so I could get started. Don't worry, I'm taking it slow and easy since I did just have a baby, but I wanted to do something besides look after kids. So, I hula hooped, I head butted soccer balls, I jogged, and I skiied. I will continue to do this each day in order to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, get back into my work uniforms, get some time for myself each day, and to live a healthier lifestyle. That's my goals!!!

I can't believe our little girl is three weeks old today! Thank goodness she wasn't born today! When I found out her due date I was so worried she'd be born during an ice storm! That would have been awful! We're trying to get her back to her schedule and it seems to be working. We make her uncomfortable in the evenings in order to keep her awake so when we swaddle her all up she peacefully falls asleep. Tomorrow I am going to go pick up her birth certificate. It will be so awesome to see it all official and printed out! We got Adam a commerative one that is huge. It's like 10 x 13 at least and has a watermark that says "Native Texan" and the Texas flag on it too. We'll do the same for her, but I have to get the simple one now to add her on to my insurance. Speaking of insurance, I'm so curious to see the bill for her hospital stay. My insurance is great, so no worries about coverage, but I want to see how much her NICU stay will be. There she is already costing so much money!!!!

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