On a lovely afternoon this past weekend we were enjoying a relaxing day at home. Adam is telling me he needs a diaper change. I tell him just one second so I can finish one small task. It wouldn't take two seconds. That was not soon enough Adam thought, so he decided to show me just how urgent it was! Yep, for the first time ever, Adam slid his hand in the back of his diaper and to his shock it came out with poop! He was upset about this too. It freaked him out. He starts this little whine when things scare him. I looked over, saw what he did, dropped what I had, grabbed his hand before he could move it another inch, scooped him up and ran to the bathroom. Daniel froze. It was quite funny actually. I'm just glad this happened while I was right there and not when he was alone. Now, I just hope he doesn't do this when he is alone! I really don't want to walk in to his room and have a new paint color on the walls.
We are the proud owners of a minivan. It's used, but was kept in great condition. It's got a few minor things that we've got to fix, but the most major one is a new battery. He told us it may need one soon upfront. When we went to the auto parts store they tested it and we will get one this weekend. The other things are a new headlight and glueing the rear view mirror back on. No biggie. It's a 2002 Kia Sedona, leather interior, sunroof, woodgrain, and we're happy just to have more seats! So, now we are trying to sell the Acura. It's all detailed and pretty now. We've got people talking about it and we'll post it on Craigslist too probably. We are hopeful that this van is going to last a good while. The guy that sold it was very likeable, non-pushy, upfront, soccer dad, golf playing, blue collar kind of guy. Seemed very nice with a nice family. 4 kids, plus two parents and they had just outgrown the van. They have two Suburbans. He actually was sad to see the van go since he sometimes used it when his work Suburban would break down. But, he was happy to see it go to a family that needed it for their little family. I was worried the whole day yesterday, just hoping we made the right decision. But, I do feel much better, besides I didn't have to see the check for that much money.
So, that's our firsts for this week. The kids are great. Adam is Adam. He's playful, he's learning words and surprises us. Of course, some of them are still words that only his Mommy and Daddy understand. I have noticed that he forms words with m's before the word. If we tell him it's time to eat, he'll repeat and say "mmeat". We then practice some more, but it still comes out "mmeat". Then other words are clear as day, but he doesn't even realize he says them and neither do we until we stop and ask "did you just hear that?". Isabelle is sleeping longer at night. She's trying to hold her head up more and that's just adorable to me. Reminds me of baby turtles. Little necks trying to support little wobbly heads. Cute! She's such a daddy's girl already. She reserves her smiles mostly for her daddy. He talks to her and she grins. Too precious!