I haven't posted in a few days and now I have to try to remember what's all happened. On Monday Adam hated potty training. Hated it!!! Ms. Jean tried and tried and he threw a fit every time she took him to the potty. He's been giving us signs and tells us when he's in need of a new diaper. He even observes what one does in regards to the potty. He LOVES to flush and wave bye bye. He one thing he does not like to do evidently is sit on the potty. Hmmmmm.. We were all prepared. Treats for going potty. Cool new undies. Then, Ms. Jean realized that he's not even two years old yet. She thinks that we're jumping ahead of ourselves. While it's great that he knows what goes on, he needs time to get there. For some reason she thought he was two and that's why we were proceeding, but we've got til May. So, we are going to work on getting him acquainted with the potty more, but no pressure on him to actually use it just yet. We don't want to traumatize him. Bummer....oh well, he'll get there soon enough.
Isabelle, or Isabrat as I've been calling her, had her 1 month checkup. It was a week late due to the doctor's office getting sick last week. She now weighs in at a whopping 10lbs 8oz. Her heart is strong. She got a shot in her thigh and she screamed for a second and then was all calm. She's a bleeder like her Mommy though. She bled right through that bandage, then it clotted right up. The reason she now has the nickname (probably not the most flattering one) is because she is totally different than Adam. Adam was so content to sit in his chair or boppy and take a look around. He loved to watch the ceiling fan and was just happy as a clam. Isabelle is the opposite. She's still a good baby, but she doesn't like to be set down in any one place for a length of time. She loves to be held all day long! Which is ok, but after while I need both hands! Hard to do dishes holding her. Sometimes I just let her cry for awhile which is bad because I think she's so cute when she cries.....so it really doesn't bother me at all. She's a pretty good sleeper now that we got her on schedule. She's usually in bed around 9-9:30 and gets back up around 3:30am. We lucked out with two babies that have their days and nights switched. She's feisty though. If she doesn't want her paci or bottle she lets you know by making faces and gagging. Gagging so hard she looks like she's going to be sick. She already rears back and practically jumps out of your arms. Her other nickname "diva" which she had since I was pregnant with her, suits her totally. Her Daddy and brother are in for it that's for sure!
My sister had a very bad car wreck last Friday. A driver ran a light and slammed into her which pushed her into a pole that ended up falling. She was blessed to only receive bumps and bruises, even the EMT said this. They were saying it was her fault at first, but in the end it came out that she didn't run a light- he did. In his 2008 Jaguar!!!!!!! She's got a constant spasm in her neck that a chiropractor is working on and now she has a rental, but she's scared to drive of course.
Daniel got a speeding ticket this morning....ugh! Everyone knows not to speed in Carrollton/Farmers Branch right? Oh well, in the scheme of things it's ok. Nothing like giving your money away and getting nothing out of it. 46 in 30 mph zone. Could have paid a week of daycare with that money.
I go back to work next Wednesday. I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'm just so not the housewife kind of person. I try to be, but it just depresses me. If she was older and Adam was here too , then I could see it, but I'm pretty much in need of seeing other humans. Ones over 3 ft tall. I'm also dreading to see what lies in store for me at work. Never fails that there are always changes when someone is out for any length of time. I've heard of some of the happenings, but I'll have to get in there to really find out. When I first worked here as a temp, they offered me a permanent position. Then I went on vacation, only to come back to no position. Yep, they rescinded their offer while I was on vacation. I know, it was shady, and there were other people involved, but I stuck it out. I love the department I'm in and things have changed somewhat. So, I just hope I don't get left out in the cold again. Ms. Jean will take care of Isabelle too. I hope she can figure her out. By this time with Adam, I knew all his different cries. Daniel didn't even believe me one day. Adam was crying and I told Daniel to go lay him down. He said that he couldn't be sleepy. I told him to please do it. Sure enough, he went right to sleep. I guess I did know what I was talking about. But, I can't figure Isabelle out. She's definitely a princess and just gives a shout and we all come running. Even Adam does!!! See, she is Isabrat!
P.S.- I got the neonatologist bill for her NICU stay. Just for his service - $5576. Thank you Cigna for taking care of that for me. Oh, if you haven't seen the Michael Moore documentary called "SICKO" you should. Opens your eyes wide to the inside world of American healthcare in comparison to the rest of the world. Very very interesting. And it kinda pissed me off to see what some of these companies and hospitals do to the patients.
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