Monday, March 2, 2009


It's been a busy, stressful, sad, chaotic, fun few days. Yes, all those are perfect descriptions. The last few days of work have been pretty crazy, but it's good to be back in a fun environment. Leonard and I still crack up laughing as we work. He was out on Friday and it never fails that this is when I get bombarded with the strangest questions and issues. Friday we also sold the Acura. So, Daniel went to work in the car, but I had to go get him. This was also the day of his coworkers wake. So, I got off work at 4, came home, packed up the kids' stuff, picked up the kids, drove to Daniel's work and waited. Of course, he wasn't ready to leave. Finally we left around 6:30 to go to the wake that was all the way in Oak Cliff. The wake was so sad, but yet joyous too. It was a celebration. Phillip was only 23 years old and even though I only met him once, I am thankful I got to meet him. He leaves behind two little ones who are too young to really have memories oh him.

Saturday the kids spent the night with my mom and sister. They love keeping them and my mom just loves to cuddle with them. Isabelle loved being held by her and gazing into her eyes. It was so special to watch them together. After we said goodbye we headed to the Gaylord. Leonard's birthday is the 5th, so he started celebrating early. A friend that used to work with came too and it was great to catch up. We went to the Glass Cactus and saw Le Freak. They are a 70s cover band and they were awesome! They came out in huge afro wigs, fur coats, and huge sunglasses. They played all the biggest disco hits and everyone had a great time. The DJ played good music between their sets. It was hilarious to watch everyone sing along to Ice Ice Baby and LL was dancing just like Vanilla Ice. He is a great dancer and just has a good time where ever he goes. It was time to call it a night at 2am and guess what. The shuttle that runs from the hotel to the club stops before the club even closes. How stupid is that? So, it's windy and cold and it's quite a hike from the club to the hotel. Especially after a few drinks. The hotel sent one of their drivers in a Suburban to pick us up. We went to another friend's suite, but left shortly after to our own room. I think it was about 3:30am- way past my bedtime. Of course, after having two kids in two years, I had a few too many. I had quite the hangover yesterday. Don't worry, learned my lesson. I am not a young pup anymore! Adam had a blast and my sister just adores him, but he was happy to be home. Isabelle was so smiley last night. It's like she was happy to be home and I was happy to hold her and talk to her. These kids just melt me! It was fun to have a good time, but it was even better to see the kids. Last night, Adam slipped on the tile and fell. He screamed out "OWWWWWW!" I just knew he was hurt because he very rarely cries when he falls. As I'm rushing to him, he calls out "I OK, I OK" It was so cute!!!!!!!!

This past week made me do alot of thinking. I thought about how much my life has changed. I am absolutely in love with my son and daughter. I would do anything to make them happy. I would give my life so that they could continue theirs. I think back to how selfish I was and how now I can't imagine my life without these two precious beings. But, I'm also thankful that I have time to take for myself. My time without my kids around recharges my batteries. It lights me up when I see them once they've been away from me, even when it's just coming home from work. I have a job that offers alot of perks and it was nice to be able to use one for once to cut loose and catch up with friends. I've got so many blessings to be thankful for and I hope my family knows that I am such a better person because of them.

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