I can't believe it's already September! And the middle of September at that! We've been in our own little world little, completely enjoying our little ones, and amazed by how fast they are growing. Let's start with Adam.
Conversations with Adam are hilarious! He is potty trained now and only wears a diaper at night and if we are going to be out an about for a long time. Other than that he has done fantastic. We can't remember the last time he had an accident. We went to a Rangers game recently and he was just amazed! He's been to a few, but this was the first time that he really knew where he was. He was all prepared with his Spongbob glove, but was so disappointed that he didn't catch a ball. He would tell us "I catch ball now." He is such a sports fanatic....I wonder where he got that from? He loves his Sissy so much that as soon as he wakes up he runs to her bed. If she cries he runs to her to tell her she's ok. If she wants something he brings it to her and says "Here go Sissy".
Isabelle has grown so much in the past month! She was once a quiet watchful baby, totally content to sit in your lap and watch the goings on. Those days are OVER! She began scooting along at 7 months or so. She'd get up on all fours and just fling herself forward. Then she began to pull up on stuff. Next thing we knew she was crawling! All that and she sprouted three teeth too! Our baby is thriving and healthy. She has been wearing her eye patch since early August and we're hoping too avoid surgery. She was fine wearing it until a couple weeks ago when she began crying about it and falling asleep. Well, then the patch isn't doing any good. So, the sitter now puts it on her each day and she does much better. I think it helps that she has the other kids there to distract her.
I celebrated my 32nd birthday on Aug. 21st. Did you hear about the fun I had? Yep, it was lots of fun and I'm glad that it's over! It was another great year for me. Our princess joined our family and she's like the gift that keeps on giving. She's brought so much joy and certainly completes our family. Daniel and I also celebrated our 14th anniversary of togetherness. 14!!!!!
Work is so busy! The walls for the expansion are all up and business is continuing to increase. That's great news, but not when they haven't increased the personnel. And to top it off, we have a weeklong audit next week. Good times!
On the 25th, Daniel and I will be married for 10 years! It's hard to believe it's been so long. I remember all the preparations, the excitment, and that first year of marriage. Yeah, that was rough. I went from living with my parents to living with a husband and the responsibilities of everything! I remember wondering what the heck I had gotten myself into. Isn't that awful? I'm glad we stuck it out, we grew together and found out how to compromise. I'm also glad we didn't have kids right away. It gave us time to grow up and find out who we were as individuals and as a couple. We've had lots of ups and downs, triumphs, and heartbreaking tragedies, but we made it through them together. When I've experienced the worst pain imaginable, he was there. He's stood beside me through some of the most terrible mistakes a person could make and I adore him for it. He's a great father, husband, provider, and man. I sure am glad I married him! I love you baby!!!! We will be celebrating by going to Hot Springs for the weekend. I can't wait! We haven't had that much alone time in years! I sure hope we have plenty to talk about since we won't have kids to fill in the gaps.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Many Firsts
Isabelle has gotten her first tooth! I love the fact that she's running a little slower than Adam did. Adam grew so fast that he quickly was a little boy soon after he was born. He always looked older because he had so much hair, he rolled over at 11 weeks, he crawled at freakin' 5 months, had two teeth come in at 5 months, and walked at 10 months. Isabelle is taking her sweet time and I love it! She's almost 7 months now and she's almost crawling. She gets on all fours and rocks and then she'll creep her knee up and .....fall back on her tummy. She is totally different than Adam in so many ways. She clings to me like a little koala bear. She is a total people watcher and is content to watch us or even cartoons. Oh, and she absolutely adores her big brother.
We also got a new family member. His name is Lucky and he is a Yorkie. He's got lots of hair and is a total furball. He's already housebroken and he is fitting right into the family.
Las Colinas Medical Center had a NICU reunion this Saturday and we took Isabelle. They had so many cute things and the nurses were great. It was the nurses that worked the event. Everything from food, to pictures, and they visited with all the families. They had face painting, clowns, balloon animal artist, small games, and a big backdrop for momento pictures. The birthing experience between Irving Baylor and Las Colinas is astounding. Irving Baylor was fine, don't get me wrong, but they didn't seem to go that extra step in providing outstanding care. Las Colinas on the other hand was a great experience. Every single nurse I had was willing to help and did it with a smile. They truly cared about me and the things I was going through. I didn't get to see Isabelle for over a day because of the c-section and the effects of the epidural had me so sick. My nurse Tina, sat and talked to me about it and helped me work through the emotions I was having. The NICU nurses there made cute cutouts with Isabelle and even Adam's names on them. They sent us home with everything that wasn't bolted down and one of the nurses escorted us all the way to the car snapping pictures along the way! So, it was fantastic to see the nurses and all the babies. We saw the neonatologist that assisted in Isabelle's birth. They probably didn't form much of a bond with us since we weren't there many days or weeks like some of the families had, but I'm glad for that! It was just amazing to see the connection between the families and the nurses that were so instrumental in the care of our babies in such a heartbreaking time.
Adam is doing great. He's potty trained, but has the occassional accident. His speech is getting better and better. He loves the number 2, he'll spell his name, and he is so polite nowdays. For the longest time he refused to say thank you. Now, he says it everytime his request is met. He will say he is sorry for bumping into you or running over your foot with his toys. He's definitely headstrong and I see alot of Daniel in his actions. I tend to be more reserved where as he'll dive into any situation.
Life has been hectic lately and sometimes I wish I could slow it down. We've already been discussing school options for Adam and first birthday planning has already begun for Isabelle. It's amazing how the time has flown by!
We also got a new family member. His name is Lucky and he is a Yorkie. He's got lots of hair and is a total furball. He's already housebroken and he is fitting right into the family.
Las Colinas Medical Center had a NICU reunion this Saturday and we took Isabelle. They had so many cute things and the nurses were great. It was the nurses that worked the event. Everything from food, to pictures, and they visited with all the families. They had face painting, clowns, balloon animal artist, small games, and a big backdrop for momento pictures. The birthing experience between Irving Baylor and Las Colinas is astounding. Irving Baylor was fine, don't get me wrong, but they didn't seem to go that extra step in providing outstanding care. Las Colinas on the other hand was a great experience. Every single nurse I had was willing to help and did it with a smile. They truly cared about me and the things I was going through. I didn't get to see Isabelle for over a day because of the c-section and the effects of the epidural had me so sick. My nurse Tina, sat and talked to me about it and helped me work through the emotions I was having. The NICU nurses there made cute cutouts with Isabelle and even Adam's names on them. They sent us home with everything that wasn't bolted down and one of the nurses escorted us all the way to the car snapping pictures along the way! So, it was fantastic to see the nurses and all the babies. We saw the neonatologist that assisted in Isabelle's birth. They probably didn't form much of a bond with us since we weren't there many days or weeks like some of the families had, but I'm glad for that! It was just amazing to see the connection between the families and the nurses that were so instrumental in the care of our babies in such a heartbreaking time.
Adam is doing great. He's potty trained, but has the occassional accident. His speech is getting better and better. He loves the number 2, he'll spell his name, and he is so polite nowdays. For the longest time he refused to say thank you. Now, he says it everytime his request is met. He will say he is sorry for bumping into you or running over your foot with his toys. He's definitely headstrong and I see alot of Daniel in his actions. I tend to be more reserved where as he'll dive into any situation.
Life has been hectic lately and sometimes I wish I could slow it down. We've already been discussing school options for Adam and first birthday planning has already begun for Isabelle. It's amazing how the time has flown by!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Can't Shake This Feeling
After last week's horrible experience with the increased Metformin and beginning to take Zoloft, I backed off the Zoloft. I started it back up on Friday so I haven't seen any difference yet. I wish I'd had it in my system because today has been rough. Today is my daddy's birthday. This has left me feeling very blah and just kinda doing what I have to do to get through the day. I just wish he was here. He was only 44 when he passed. 44! I dread the year that I turn 45, that will mean I lived longer than he. See, this is why I wish I had the anti-depressant in my system. Perhaps I wouldn't think such thoughts. I woke up in the middle of the night and whispered happy birthday into the dark. This morning when I got to work, I logged in to the computer, and as I was waiting, the bulletin board on my desk that was leaning against the wall, just fell forward on it's own. It's never done that in the months it has sat like that. I took it as a sign that he was around me today. He's been gone almost half my life and I miss him terribly. One good thing about all these emotions lately is that I have been making an effort to take better care of myself. I was fortunate to have my daddy until I was 15. I have memories of our time together. I want to make sure my children have memories of their mother.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Holy Heart!
Today was Isabelle's 6 month cardiology appointment. So, we drove to Medical City and patiently waited. They had redone the office and even the office staff was much more pleasant than I remembered. The nurse took her stats: weight 17lbs. 8 oz, 26 inches long, blood pressure, pulse, etc. She got her all set up for her EKG, all of which Isabelle quietly and inquisitively enjoyed. She was such a good girl. Next, the doctor came in and listened to her heart, and listened....and listened.....my heart is beating out of my chest....is this good news? or bad? Then she looked up and said that she didn't hear the heart murmur anymore. We went off to the echocardiogram room for a further look. She searched and did a very thorough exam. It was amazing to see her tiny heart beating and knowing what we were looking for and not seeing it! Her VSD is completely closed. This is such a relief. The next hurdle is her eyes. The pediatrician has recommended we see a pediatric opthalmalogist. His diagnosis is esotropia, but the opthalmalogist will be the one to actually determine this. So, in August we go to have her eyes fully examined and determine the course of action to correct it. Her eyes have shown a lot of improvement, but we want to avoid any vision problem/learning problems that may arise from this. So, we'll be pretty aggressive in trying to prevent any issues further down the road. All the literature I've been reading says that the earlier the treatment or sugrgery, the better the results usually are. My sweet baby girl. She's gone through so much and yet she's such a happy baby.
Adam has changed so much. He surprised me the other night. We were doing flashcards and the number eight popped up. I thought he wouldn't know it, but he shouted out "8!" He knew animals that I didn't even know he knew. Most four legged animals besides dogs and cats were called cows. Now he is telling the difference when it's a bear or hippo. I was surprised. Potty training is still an ongoing process, but he's getting it. Everytime we get into a routine, we interrupt it with a trip or something changed in his routine.
Daniel and I crossed over into the world of iPhones. I went from my Blackberry (which I LOVED!) to the 3G. WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!! I wish I could easily send pictures to people, but it's a minor tradeoff for the many other things I can do.
I had my yearly physical last week and it was quite an eye opener. She simply asked how I'd been doing and I broke down crying. She seemed surprised and asked how long this had been going on. Between two babies, chaotic work, busy home, and the constant worrying I inflict on myself.....I had no idea when I'd begun to feel like this or that it had crept up on me. Sure, I'd have days when I just felt blah or feeling like my world was crumbling, but doesn't everyone at one time or another? She diagnosed postpartum depression and prescribed me Zoloft to help me with my anxiety and depression. She also increased my diabetes medication because I haven't been taken very good care of myself. Well, we left for Houston that same day. I took my new meds and they made me sick, so I chose to skip them while on the trip (except I took the diabetes medicine I had been taking). So, on Sunday and Monday I went back to taking the new ones. I woke up Tuesday and felt AWFUL!!!! I stayed home from work. I couldn't focus on anything, the room was spinning, I was throwing up, and dry mouth. UGH!!!! I'd rather be mildly depressed than deal with that. So, now I'm trying one at a time, I'll take my diabetes pill for a few days, then I'll introduce the Zoloft once I've adjusted to that. I've never had such side effects with anything.
Other than that, everything is all good on this home front!
Adam has changed so much. He surprised me the other night. We were doing flashcards and the number eight popped up. I thought he wouldn't know it, but he shouted out "8!" He knew animals that I didn't even know he knew. Most four legged animals besides dogs and cats were called cows. Now he is telling the difference when it's a bear or hippo. I was surprised. Potty training is still an ongoing process, but he's getting it. Everytime we get into a routine, we interrupt it with a trip or something changed in his routine.
Daniel and I crossed over into the world of iPhones. I went from my Blackberry (which I LOVED!) to the 3G. WHICH I LOVE SO MUCH MORE!!!!!!!! I wish I could easily send pictures to people, but it's a minor tradeoff for the many other things I can do.
I had my yearly physical last week and it was quite an eye opener. She simply asked how I'd been doing and I broke down crying. She seemed surprised and asked how long this had been going on. Between two babies, chaotic work, busy home, and the constant worrying I inflict on myself.....I had no idea when I'd begun to feel like this or that it had crept up on me. Sure, I'd have days when I just felt blah or feeling like my world was crumbling, but doesn't everyone at one time or another? She diagnosed postpartum depression and prescribed me Zoloft to help me with my anxiety and depression. She also increased my diabetes medication because I haven't been taken very good care of myself. Well, we left for Houston that same day. I took my new meds and they made me sick, so I chose to skip them while on the trip (except I took the diabetes medicine I had been taking). So, on Sunday and Monday I went back to taking the new ones. I woke up Tuesday and felt AWFUL!!!! I stayed home from work. I couldn't focus on anything, the room was spinning, I was throwing up, and dry mouth. UGH!!!! I'd rather be mildly depressed than deal with that. So, now I'm trying one at a time, I'll take my diabetes pill for a few days, then I'll introduce the Zoloft once I've adjusted to that. I've never had such side effects with anything.
Other than that, everything is all good on this home front!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Go Sit!
Last night's hilarious conversation with Adam:
Me: "Adam, let me get your plate before you drop it." (he was wiping clean his highchair )
Adam: :"No!"
Me: "Adam, before you make a mess, let me take the plate to the sink, please."
Adam: *raises index finger* "No Mommy! Go!" *points finger to sofa* "Go Sit!"
Me: *holding back from laughing* "Adam, you don't speak to Mommy like that, you are a little boy."
Daniel and I wanted to laugh so badly!
Wednesday's storms kept me in a tizzy. Now, anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I am a nervous nelly, especially when there's severe storms. Daniel just indulges me on my need to run around like a mother hen and prepare for the apocalypse that I'm sure is heading our way. He actually even packed up the diaper bag with the essentials: diapers, wipes, water, formula, bottle/cup....oh wait, he left those out. Lot of good that would have done us once said apocalypse had come! I got the flashlight, got Adam dressed and with shoes. Daniel sat there completely not understanding that, but to me it made since. Duh, Adam can't walk around with glass and debris everywhere. I know, I'm such a worrier. But, the news doesn't help when every second they are saying there's a tornado a few miles North and they even issued a Tornado Warning for places that hadn't even been rained on yet. The wind howled, electricity flashed off, then back on before I could reach the dang thing, flashes of lightning at every blink of an eye, but no end of the world came. THANK HEAVEN!
Today at work, I felt like I was inside of a brushless car wash. It looked like a dang hurricane! The area outside my window faces the South and is under construction. The dried up desert that was there yesterday is now affectionately known as "South Lake" . Clever huh? Well, the lake got bigger and bigger, and as the wind whipped around it actually had white caps. The rain flew in horizontal and would slam into the window. It would lighten up and the the next wave. I've not seen storms like that in years. Usually a line blows through and we're done, but it just kept coming. I will try to post a picture tomorrow of what the lake looked like at the end of the day. There were no planes leaving of course, but once the weather cleared it was back to business as usual and I always enjoy watching the planes. I'm such a geek! Show me a 777, 747, or a new 767 with winglets and I'm amazed. Now I know where Adam gets it from. I'm one of those people that would sit on the hood of a car, pondering life's possibilities while gazing at the planes on final approach for hours! Or enjoy the rush of watching a plane takeoff at max power and wonder where all those people are going. See, total geek.....
Tonight we were playing with Adam and he was getting way to wild. So, I said "Freeze!" He kept spinning then would say "Freeze". The other day we were driving and saw a train. He was in the back and said "Train! Toot Toot!" We laughed. Isabelle has begun to say "mamamama". Oh, how quickly you forget all these little things. When you come home from a crazy chaotic day and your kids smile and giggle, you know you've accomplished the greatest in life and God has to offer.
Me: "Adam, let me get your plate before you drop it." (he was wiping clean his highchair )
Adam: :"No!"
Me: "Adam, before you make a mess, let me take the plate to the sink, please."
Adam: *raises index finger* "No Mommy! Go!" *points finger to sofa* "Go Sit!"
Me: *holding back from laughing* "Adam, you don't speak to Mommy like that, you are a little boy."
Daniel and I wanted to laugh so badly!
Wednesday's storms kept me in a tizzy. Now, anyone who knows me well enough, knows that I am a nervous nelly, especially when there's severe storms. Daniel just indulges me on my need to run around like a mother hen and prepare for the apocalypse that I'm sure is heading our way. He actually even packed up the diaper bag with the essentials: diapers, wipes, water, formula, bottle/cup....oh wait, he left those out. Lot of good that would have done us once said apocalypse had come! I got the flashlight, got Adam dressed and with shoes. Daniel sat there completely not understanding that, but to me it made since. Duh, Adam can't walk around with glass and debris everywhere. I know, I'm such a worrier. But, the news doesn't help when every second they are saying there's a tornado a few miles North and they even issued a Tornado Warning for places that hadn't even been rained on yet. The wind howled, electricity flashed off, then back on before I could reach the dang thing, flashes of lightning at every blink of an eye, but no end of the world came. THANK HEAVEN!
Today at work, I felt like I was inside of a brushless car wash. It looked like a dang hurricane! The area outside my window faces the South and is under construction. The dried up desert that was there yesterday is now affectionately known as "South Lake" . Clever huh? Well, the lake got bigger and bigger, and as the wind whipped around it actually had white caps. The rain flew in horizontal and would slam into the window. It would lighten up and the the next wave. I've not seen storms like that in years. Usually a line blows through and we're done, but it just kept coming. I will try to post a picture tomorrow of what the lake looked like at the end of the day. There were no planes leaving of course, but once the weather cleared it was back to business as usual and I always enjoy watching the planes. I'm such a geek! Show me a 777, 747, or a new 767 with winglets and I'm amazed. Now I know where Adam gets it from. I'm one of those people that would sit on the hood of a car, pondering life's possibilities while gazing at the planes on final approach for hours! Or enjoy the rush of watching a plane takeoff at max power and wonder where all those people are going. See, total geek.....
Tonight we were playing with Adam and he was getting way to wild. So, I said "Freeze!" He kept spinning then would say "Freeze". The other day we were driving and saw a train. He was in the back and said "Train! Toot Toot!" We laughed. Isabelle has begun to say "mamamama". Oh, how quickly you forget all these little things. When you come home from a crazy chaotic day and your kids smile and giggle, you know you've accomplished the greatest in life and God has to offer.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Looky here, I finally check in. What excuse do I have? TWO KIDS!!!!!
Alot has been happening in the Spencer world....let's recap in no particular order.
Adam's potty training is going well. He is officially on week two, but is quickly catching on now. He's wearing undies now and says "Pee" when it's time. This morning he went first thing and then Daniel got him dressed. So, he's walking around talking and starts saying "Pee". I start convincing him to walk to the potty, but it was too late, he had already had an accident. Poor little guy, he felt so bad. Although, to watch him waddle his way to his room was quite funny. Like he'd just gotten off a horse! Anyway, while changing him he had the saddest look in his eyes while we explained that it was an Uh Oh, and big boys only go on the potty. We'll see how he did throughout the day.
Adam listens to the radio and loves the Black Eyed Peas song Boom Boom Pow. Daniel had told me he'll sing it, but I hadn't heard him. So, driving home yesterday it was on, but then went off. He quietly tells me "I want Boom Boom Pow". It was so cute that I had him repeat it and he did. He's becoming much more clear spoken and such a sweetie. The other day, Daniel was slicing cheddar cheese (which Adam loves). Daniel gave him his slice and Adam held his hand up and said "and Mommy?". Daniel gave him another slice and Adam ran over with the biggest grin and said "and Mommy". I didn't realize he had asked for a slice for me until Daniel told me....to which I cried. Yep, cried. I guess because it was the first time that Adam did something out of kindness for another person. Sure, he's nice, he shares, and all, but this was different. He actually thought of asking for a slice for me. To me, that means I just may be doing something right!
And as for Baby Belle, aka Lil Mama, she's just a doll. She rolls over like a champ! She loves gazing at her hands. Her feet are new to her and she just loves to play with them. Her newest thing is so cute, but I think we'll soon have teeth popping up. She rubs her gums together, which makes her look like a baby bulldog. Her bottom lip comes up a little bit as she raises her bottom gum to her top and she'll just concentrate on rubbing. It's funny! This also makes her cheeks all the more irresistable to pinch. She gets so excited at things that she's begun to flail around, thus punching and scratching me. I'm surprised I still have a top lip. She also went swimming this past Sunday for the first time. She donned her little pink ruffly bikini and floated for a bit, but then she wanted to be next to me. Adam also swam and he's now earned his gills. He was fetching in his one piece flotation device with an additional pair of arm floaties (Cars, of course). He was nervous at first, but within 5 minutes he was having a blast. Ever the daredevil, he was jumping into the water and into Daniel's arms. This makes me nervous, but all I get is an eye roll from Daniel. So, now Daniel can be the official lifeguard of Adam so I don't get gray hairs yet!
In other, non Spencer household news, my sister is officially getting divorced! THIS IS GREAT NEWS! All that read this should already know the history behind this, so I'll spare those details (and save you from hearing my ranting). The papers will be signed by her tomorrow and he should be served within a week or two. They are going to expedite this since they know where he's at right now- in jail. No surprise there.
This past Saturday, my sister kept the kids while Daniel and I had a night out. We ran around like crazy! We saw the new movie UP! It was very cute, somewhat sad, and funny. It's full of color with all those balloons too! How funny is it that we went to a Disney movie without the kids? We ran around for a while, making sure to visit Mandy as she recuperated. Then visited Hooters for a breat cancer 3-day walk bake sale. It was really awesome to see the goodies and the other handmade items they had. I'm sure Daniel enjoyed checking out the couple of Hooters girls that came out while he was there too.....not that he was looking or anything.
Well, I think that sums up quite a bit. I hope I didn't leave anything out. Til next time!
Alot has been happening in the Spencer world....let's recap in no particular order.
Adam's potty training is going well. He is officially on week two, but is quickly catching on now. He's wearing undies now and says "Pee" when it's time. This morning he went first thing and then Daniel got him dressed. So, he's walking around talking and starts saying "Pee". I start convincing him to walk to the potty, but it was too late, he had already had an accident. Poor little guy, he felt so bad. Although, to watch him waddle his way to his room was quite funny. Like he'd just gotten off a horse! Anyway, while changing him he had the saddest look in his eyes while we explained that it was an Uh Oh, and big boys only go on the potty. We'll see how he did throughout the day.
Adam listens to the radio and loves the Black Eyed Peas song Boom Boom Pow. Daniel had told me he'll sing it, but I hadn't heard him. So, driving home yesterday it was on, but then went off. He quietly tells me "I want Boom Boom Pow". It was so cute that I had him repeat it and he did. He's becoming much more clear spoken and such a sweetie. The other day, Daniel was slicing cheddar cheese (which Adam loves). Daniel gave him his slice and Adam held his hand up and said "and Mommy?". Daniel gave him another slice and Adam ran over with the biggest grin and said "and Mommy". I didn't realize he had asked for a slice for me until Daniel told me....to which I cried. Yep, cried. I guess because it was the first time that Adam did something out of kindness for another person. Sure, he's nice, he shares, and all, but this was different. He actually thought of asking for a slice for me. To me, that means I just may be doing something right!
And as for Baby Belle, aka Lil Mama, she's just a doll. She rolls over like a champ! She loves gazing at her hands. Her feet are new to her and she just loves to play with them. Her newest thing is so cute, but I think we'll soon have teeth popping up. She rubs her gums together, which makes her look like a baby bulldog. Her bottom lip comes up a little bit as she raises her bottom gum to her top and she'll just concentrate on rubbing. It's funny! This also makes her cheeks all the more irresistable to pinch. She gets so excited at things that she's begun to flail around, thus punching and scratching me. I'm surprised I still have a top lip. She also went swimming this past Sunday for the first time. She donned her little pink ruffly bikini and floated for a bit, but then she wanted to be next to me. Adam also swam and he's now earned his gills. He was fetching in his one piece flotation device with an additional pair of arm floaties (Cars, of course). He was nervous at first, but within 5 minutes he was having a blast. Ever the daredevil, he was jumping into the water and into Daniel's arms. This makes me nervous, but all I get is an eye roll from Daniel. So, now Daniel can be the official lifeguard of Adam so I don't get gray hairs yet!
In other, non Spencer household news, my sister is officially getting divorced! THIS IS GREAT NEWS! All that read this should already know the history behind this, so I'll spare those details (and save you from hearing my ranting). The papers will be signed by her tomorrow and he should be served within a week or two. They are going to expedite this since they know where he's at right now- in jail. No surprise there.
This past Saturday, my sister kept the kids while Daniel and I had a night out. We ran around like crazy! We saw the new movie UP! It was very cute, somewhat sad, and funny. It's full of color with all those balloons too! How funny is it that we went to a Disney movie without the kids? We ran around for a while, making sure to visit Mandy as she recuperated. Then visited Hooters for a breat cancer 3-day walk bake sale. It was really awesome to see the goodies and the other handmade items they had. I'm sure Daniel enjoyed checking out the couple of Hooters girls that came out while he was there too.....not that he was looking or anything.
Well, I think that sums up quite a bit. I hope I didn't leave anything out. Til next time!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rest is for the weary
Well, well, well, another week has gone by and not so much as a post. Sorry, but I've been busy. Since my last post, Adam officially turned two and we had our big road trip of 2009. We had doctor appointments before we left and all went well. We dosed them both up with Tylenol in preparation for shots. Adam got lucky and avoided them. It seems he was all caught up and didn't need any. Yeah! But, Isabelle got 4.....wah wah wah. I was glad that it didn't affect her mood because she did great. No fevers, no fussing, she was all smiles.
Adam has been Adam. What can I say? One moment so sweet, the next wreaking havoc. During a recent night while we were in Milwaukee, we had dinner with my nephew and his friends to celebrate. My adorable little boy was winding down his busy day in my lap. Happily snuggled up on my lap. All of a sudden, he sat up, pursed his lips to give me kisses. So sweet, right? Well, then he looked at me, pursed his lips, and kissed each cheek then my lips again!! I have no idea where he got the idea, who or when he may have seen this, but it was about the most heart melting thing EVER! He knew it too, cause then he kept on.
Conversations with a two year old are pretty funny! They go something like this:
Daniel: Adam, what do you want to wear?
Adam: Cars!
Daniel: Motorcycles?
Adam: No, I want Cars.
After this conversation he came to me and said:
Adam: Mommy, Cars! *points at shirt*
Me: That's way cool!
Adam: And bints.
Me: And what?
Adam: bints!
Me: Sorry, but I don't understand, show me.
Adam: Bnts! *points to his pants*
Me: OH!!!!! Yes, pants. Thanks for being patient with Mommy.
When we're all ready to leave:
Us: Adam, it's time to go, are you ready?
Adam: No, I play
It's amazing to think back to how he used to just be a baby. Now, he tells me what he needs and wants. He knows all the flashcards that we've been practicing, except he calls the picture of the king Daddy. Hmmmm, do you think Daniel told him this once or twice? I wonder. When you ask him how old he is, he tells you "I'm two". Sometimes at night I hear on the monitor when he's tossing and turning. Sometimes, I hear him mumble "mommy" in his sleep. That's how I know he loves me and needs me. I know then that I am with him all the time, even in his dreams.
The trip went well. Adam did much better on the trip. In fact, there was very little crying in the van. This made me very happy. Both kids did good in the van actually. Poor Isabelle though, all cooped up in that carseat. But she was a trooper. Daniel drove all the way there and back, but he really doesn't mind all that driving. I felt bad though because after all that driving he didn't even go to the graduation. See, Adam had "one of those days" and Daniel took one for the team. It ended up being the best thing to do because the day we had was hectic. Left the hotel at 7:30, drove downtown, parked a couple blocks away, 2 hour ceremony, then walked back to the car, drove to the campus quickly (after getting lost first) to find parking, ran to Subway and ate quickly, then rushed to the degree ceremony at 2. Then came the tears and saying goodbye. Adam would have been terrible and the seats were so crowded! I'm short and my knees were nearly touching the head in front of me! Adam surely would have kicked someone. Instead, Daniel and the kids stayed in the room, relaxed, watched movies, ordered room service, and spent a non chaotic day together.
We visted the Harley Davidson Museum.....three times! Let me explain. Everyone went the first time and looked at everything. Well, as much as Adam would let us. He wasn't handling the reading very well because all he wanted to see was "kye kye" (translation: cycle). We visited the souvenir shop and bought a few things. We forgot to call Aunt Janie and David to see if they needed anything. She happened to call shortly after Daniel decided he wanted a different shirt. So, the following day we made another trip to the museum to exchange shirts and pick up ones for Janie and David. We got back to the hotel and discovered that Daniel was given the original shirt back! So, after the full day I had at the graduation, Daniel and I headed back out to the museum to exchange it again. They were super nice and gave us a few freebies- 3 stickers and a lapel pin! How nice was that?! And we finally got the right shirt to boot! The museum has lots of cool exhibits with a wall of engines that you can push a button to hear, a wall of fuel tanks from the different models, and tons and tons of bikes! It was interesting to hear the true Harley riders talk amongst themselves. Now I can speak pilot talk, but this Harley talk was a whole different language! I wish I knew what they were discussing because it sounded pretty interesting.
Princess Isabelle is growing. I looked at her weight in comparison to Adam's at her age. Adam was a whopping 16.9 lbs! She's two pounds lighter! She's begun rolling back to front now and is such a giggle box. Adam makes her crack up as she just watches him play. Soon enough, she'll be running around behind him stealing his toys. That's going to be fun.
Well, this has been a long one. I've tried to include the highlights and I hope I haven't jumped around too much. Til next time!
Adam has been Adam. What can I say? One moment so sweet, the next wreaking havoc. During a recent night while we were in Milwaukee, we had dinner with my nephew and his friends to celebrate. My adorable little boy was winding down his busy day in my lap. Happily snuggled up on my lap. All of a sudden, he sat up, pursed his lips to give me kisses. So sweet, right? Well, then he looked at me, pursed his lips, and kissed each cheek then my lips again!! I have no idea where he got the idea, who or when he may have seen this, but it was about the most heart melting thing EVER! He knew it too, cause then he kept on.
Conversations with a two year old are pretty funny! They go something like this:
Daniel: Adam, what do you want to wear?
Adam: Cars!
Daniel: Motorcycles?
Adam: No, I want Cars.
After this conversation he came to me and said:
Adam: Mommy, Cars! *points at shirt*
Me: That's way cool!
Adam: And bints.
Me: And what?
Adam: bints!
Me: Sorry, but I don't understand, show me.
Adam: Bnts! *points to his pants*
Me: OH!!!!! Yes, pants. Thanks for being patient with Mommy.
When we're all ready to leave:
Us: Adam, it's time to go, are you ready?
Adam: No, I play
It's amazing to think back to how he used to just be a baby. Now, he tells me what he needs and wants. He knows all the flashcards that we've been practicing, except he calls the picture of the king Daddy. Hmmmm, do you think Daniel told him this once or twice? I wonder. When you ask him how old he is, he tells you "I'm two". Sometimes at night I hear on the monitor when he's tossing and turning. Sometimes, I hear him mumble "mommy" in his sleep. That's how I know he loves me and needs me. I know then that I am with him all the time, even in his dreams.
The trip went well. Adam did much better on the trip. In fact, there was very little crying in the van. This made me very happy. Both kids did good in the van actually. Poor Isabelle though, all cooped up in that carseat. But she was a trooper. Daniel drove all the way there and back, but he really doesn't mind all that driving. I felt bad though because after all that driving he didn't even go to the graduation. See, Adam had "one of those days" and Daniel took one for the team. It ended up being the best thing to do because the day we had was hectic. Left the hotel at 7:30, drove downtown, parked a couple blocks away, 2 hour ceremony, then walked back to the car, drove to the campus quickly (after getting lost first) to find parking, ran to Subway and ate quickly, then rushed to the degree ceremony at 2. Then came the tears and saying goodbye. Adam would have been terrible and the seats were so crowded! I'm short and my knees were nearly touching the head in front of me! Adam surely would have kicked someone. Instead, Daniel and the kids stayed in the room, relaxed, watched movies, ordered room service, and spent a non chaotic day together.
We visted the Harley Davidson Museum.....three times! Let me explain. Everyone went the first time and looked at everything. Well, as much as Adam would let us. He wasn't handling the reading very well because all he wanted to see was "kye kye" (translation: cycle). We visited the souvenir shop and bought a few things. We forgot to call Aunt Janie and David to see if they needed anything. She happened to call shortly after Daniel decided he wanted a different shirt. So, the following day we made another trip to the museum to exchange shirts and pick up ones for Janie and David. We got back to the hotel and discovered that Daniel was given the original shirt back! So, after the full day I had at the graduation, Daniel and I headed back out to the museum to exchange it again. They were super nice and gave us a few freebies- 3 stickers and a lapel pin! How nice was that?! And we finally got the right shirt to boot! The museum has lots of cool exhibits with a wall of engines that you can push a button to hear, a wall of fuel tanks from the different models, and tons and tons of bikes! It was interesting to hear the true Harley riders talk amongst themselves. Now I can speak pilot talk, but this Harley talk was a whole different language! I wish I knew what they were discussing because it sounded pretty interesting.
Princess Isabelle is growing. I looked at her weight in comparison to Adam's at her age. Adam was a whopping 16.9 lbs! She's two pounds lighter! She's begun rolling back to front now and is such a giggle box. Adam makes her crack up as she just watches him play. Soon enough, she'll be running around behind him stealing his toys. That's going to be fun.
Well, this has been a long one. I've tried to include the highlights and I hope I haven't jumped around too much. Til next time!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Almost Birthday
I have been neglecting this blog thingy lately. It's not that there hasn't been plenty going on, but I just haven't felt like putting thoughts into words. Life has been fun and eventful for sure. Adam's birthday party was May 2nd and he had a blast. He got the perfect mix of new toys and clothes. He knows no fear on thos massive inflatables. He would climb up, sit down, and in a blink of an eye was at the bottom. It was so great to not have to "work" the party. Just paid the people and left. Ahhhh, that was nice. He even blew out his candles this year. My big boy is almost two on Monday May 11th. Actually, today, May 9th was almost his birthday. I had a dr. appt and my blood pressure was a bit high, so they sent me to the hospital for observation. Then she came in and said that since we were so close and all there that she could go ahead and induce. I kinda freaked. I was so anxious to see him, but at the same time, I wanted to stay pregnant. No, I'm not crazy. I enjoyed being pregnant. I had prepared to give birth on May 11th, not May 9th. Daniel didn't understand my reasoning at all. But, since I was the one giving birth, it went my way. So, I will always remember May 9th as Adam's almost birthday. We have had this adorable little being for two years! WOW! Once I sat and stared at him in my arms. Now I stare at him because we're pretty much having conversations. He answers questions. He asks simple questions. If he doesn't want what you're giving him he tells you "no" or his new favorite "uh uh". Tonight we were putting shapes in his sorter and I told him that he had to look for the right one. He put the block to the one he thought it fit and said "there?" or "this?" He skipped across the living room last night. He opens doors like a pro, especially the pantry door. We've now child proofed that door. My sweet sweet son....I look in those eyes and see so much wonder in them. He's full of excitement and eagerness to learn new things. He makes friends so easily with his bubbly personality. He saw a little boy at the play place we went to today. The next thing I knew he was in the inflatable (that he refused to go in before) tossing balls with a little boy who came in with his mommy. His checkup was on Thursday and he now weighs 28.8 pounds and is 2ft. 10in. He loves Dr. Powell and actually enjoys getting a checkup. He sits so quietly while the dr. checks his chest, tummy, mouth, and ears. Two years old and it's gone so fast.
Isabelle is now 4 months old. She weighs in at 14lbs 7 oz, is 25 inches long, and her head circumference is 16in. Her hair is about 3 inches long and is between her shoulder blades. The dr could no longer hear her heart murmur. That was great to hear. She'll go to the cardiologist in July for an echocardiogram to see if the hole is closing. Her little eye is improving but still goes in sometimes. If this doesn't show more improvement by 6-9 months, we'll visit a pediatric opthamologist to see what course of action we should take, which most likely will be a patch over her good eye. The dr. sees improvement and said it's not that bad, but we'll just keep watching as she develops her eye sight through the next few months. She rolls over now and scoots all over her bed. She's a giggle box and has such a big smile. She's the apple of her daddy's eye and she knows it!
We leave for Wisconsin on Wednesday morning. I've been slowly packing up. It's a big job packing up two little ones. Hopefully the weather sticks to what the forecast is, which is mid 60s up there. Not too many plans for the trip. Gotta have BBQ in Memphis and get a picture of the kids in front of the Graceland gates. In Milwaukee we'll visit the university campus and around town, and we'll also visit the new Harley Davidson museum. Joseph said it's awesome and we'll love it. Then we'll see Joseph graduate and head home. Joseph hasn't seen the kids since Isabelle was born, so we're all excited to see him.
It's amazing how fast a year goes and all the blessings that can happen in that time. It's funny how certain facts remain in your mind. I found out I was pregnant with Adam on Sept. 10, 2006. I knew Isabelle was on her way on May 15, 2008. It's only a year later and she's here and 4 months old. My friend from high school had her daughter on May 7, 2006 and she passed the next day. Parker would have been three this year. Jessica is an amazing woman and is keeping her promise to Parker to spread awareness of the condition she died from. She passed from Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Big words, I know. But it's an awful birth defect that is a hole in the diaphragm that allows internal organs like the intestines, liver, and spleen to move up into the chest, preventing the growth of lungs and heart. Unfortunately most people have never heard of this defect, but yet it kills half of the babies diagnosed with it. I'm telling you this to raise awareness, but to also encourage all of us to give our children extra hugs and kisses. I try to remember her story when Adam is throwing a tantrum and I get frustrated. Jessica never got to hear Parker cry. So, I count my blessings that Adam is a healthy, sometimes mischievious little boy who sometimes throws a massive fit. I have a new baby girl who depends on us for everything and screams her opinions of what we're doing wrong (or not fast enough). This means that God has blessed me with two babies that I get to hold each day and night. I love these two blessings more than anything in my life.
Isabelle is now 4 months old. She weighs in at 14lbs 7 oz, is 25 inches long, and her head circumference is 16in. Her hair is about 3 inches long and is between her shoulder blades. The dr could no longer hear her heart murmur. That was great to hear. She'll go to the cardiologist in July for an echocardiogram to see if the hole is closing. Her little eye is improving but still goes in sometimes. If this doesn't show more improvement by 6-9 months, we'll visit a pediatric opthamologist to see what course of action we should take, which most likely will be a patch over her good eye. The dr. sees improvement and said it's not that bad, but we'll just keep watching as she develops her eye sight through the next few months. She rolls over now and scoots all over her bed. She's a giggle box and has such a big smile. She's the apple of her daddy's eye and she knows it!
We leave for Wisconsin on Wednesday morning. I've been slowly packing up. It's a big job packing up two little ones. Hopefully the weather sticks to what the forecast is, which is mid 60s up there. Not too many plans for the trip. Gotta have BBQ in Memphis and get a picture of the kids in front of the Graceland gates. In Milwaukee we'll visit the university campus and around town, and we'll also visit the new Harley Davidson museum. Joseph said it's awesome and we'll love it. Then we'll see Joseph graduate and head home. Joseph hasn't seen the kids since Isabelle was born, so we're all excited to see him.
It's amazing how fast a year goes and all the blessings that can happen in that time. It's funny how certain facts remain in your mind. I found out I was pregnant with Adam on Sept. 10, 2006. I knew Isabelle was on her way on May 15, 2008. It's only a year later and she's here and 4 months old. My friend from high school had her daughter on May 7, 2006 and she passed the next day. Parker would have been three this year. Jessica is an amazing woman and is keeping her promise to Parker to spread awareness of the condition she died from. She passed from Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Big words, I know. But it's an awful birth defect that is a hole in the diaphragm that allows internal organs like the intestines, liver, and spleen to move up into the chest, preventing the growth of lungs and heart. Unfortunately most people have never heard of this defect, but yet it kills half of the babies diagnosed with it. I'm telling you this to raise awareness, but to also encourage all of us to give our children extra hugs and kisses. I try to remember her story when Adam is throwing a tantrum and I get frustrated. Jessica never got to hear Parker cry. So, I count my blessings that Adam is a healthy, sometimes mischievious little boy who sometimes throws a massive fit. I have a new baby girl who depends on us for everything and screams her opinions of what we're doing wrong (or not fast enough). This means that God has blessed me with two babies that I get to hold each day and night. I love these two blessings more than anything in my life.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Two Down, Two To Go
Two big events have come and gone. First my mom's 60th birthday celebration and yesterday evening Adam and Isabelle were baptized. We first attended mass at 5:30. Before we knew it, it was 6:40 and the kids still had to get changed into their baptism clothes. Adam wore a white 5 piece suit. He looked very handsome and it seemed like he knew it too. Isabelle wore a huge white gown. It was satiny, it had an organza overlay, it had a huge organza bow, it was embroidered, and beaded. She looked tiny in it. It was difficult to hold her because it was so big. But, she looked absolutely adorable, and people told me so! She was happy and talkative too. Both kids did great, they didn't cry during the ceremony at all. Adam actually looked like he was wondering why his hair was getting washed again. When they were annointed they both looked at the deacon and seemed to enjoy it. It was a special evening.
After the ceremony we headed on home. Everyone was hungry, but Adam wasn't acting like himself. Once we got home and got him undressed we noticed he was burning up. Turns out the little guy was running a 100.7 fever! So, after a dose of Tylenol, he was sent to bed and he was soon fast asleep.
Today has been a very peaceful day. I've been making batches of candy for Adam's birthday party goody bags. I had found a car candy mold on clearance and finally used it for the first time. But, since it was the only one and it only has 5 molds on it, the process takes a while. We've cleaned house, had the Samson's over along with Aunt Janie, and just hung out playing. Next weekend brings the real craziness. Adam's party! We've kept it pretty small and simple in hopes to ease the stress on ourselves. I hope it turns out fun for everyone (or at least wears the kids out so the parents can have a break afterwards).
So, this last week we also tried to consign some stuff. This turned out to be alot more hassle than we thought. Turns out, Kid to Kid and Once Upon A Child, both are not accepting onsies. Ok, well that wiped out most of Isabelle's clothes. But, that left most of Adam's clothes. Hmmm...I guess they didn't like those either. I don't get it. I went shopping in one of those stores and there was still winter stuff out! There weren't near enough Spring and Summer clothes. But yet, they didn't want 20 shirts of Adam's that were bought this time last year? Short sleeved t-shirts. Cute t-shirts....or so I thought. I looked through the rack for his size and there were tons of long sleeved, turtlenecks, and even two leather jackets. Uhhhh, I don't think it's exactly leather jacket type weather anymore. So, I'm still left with all these baby girl clothes and I'm sure I'll still have lots of size 18month clothes left too once the last place gets done inspecting.
Another week is fast approaching and it's bound to be stressful. Tuesday brings another center meeting to discuss the impact of the economy on our center. Great! More whispers, more shut doors, more stressed out people. I'm making it a point to lay low, do my work, volunteer for more work, be cheerful and helpful, and just stay gainfully employed. I've been told I'm not on "the list" but who knows. I'm just doing my part to keep my name off "the list".
So, I've had two big events pass by, now to survive Adam's party, and then the trip to Wisconsin. I've begun the list making and gathering. The rooms are booked, the rental selected, and soon we'll be packing stuff up! Joseph is getting so excited and was offered a wonderful job opportunity that he accepted. He's working with both the Mayor of Milwaukee and now the Governor of Wisconsin!
Looking forward to next week! I'm sure it'll be a blast!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Let's Catch Up
Where to start? Easter was busy around the Spencer household. Daniel and I didn't work on Good Friday. We intended to go see a movie and just relax. I honestly can't remember what all we did, but we ran around alot and didn't relax much. That happens every time!
I began to feel sick that night and it got worse Saturday. It was so bad I began to worry that maybe the doctor had not done her job right and I was pregnant - AGAIN! I still managed to go to the party, but the first part was spent feeling sick and worn out. I slowly began to feel better after a nice bowl of tortilla soup (we were at El Fenix) and I was so glad. My cousin had come up from Houston and it was a blast. She had not even seen Isabelle yet so it was great to see her get to bond with her. She bought her adorable clothes and gave Adam some really cute toys. He'll love the ball and bat, he already loves the bucket because he enjoys putting things away so much, and the rake and shovel will keep him busy forever too! The visit was so short as they drove up that morning and left to go back right after lunch. We hope to go for a visit soon, especially to see the new lakehouse! Way cool!
Easter was a blur. We visited with so many people. The kids baskets were made by my sister and she did a fantastic job! She just adores these kiddos!
I was still feeling sick, so I was unable to really enjoy myself. I hope I wasn't too much of a downer.
Adam isn't a toddler anymore. He's just a little boy. His little sentences make me smile. He loves to get our attention and tell us stuff. His favorite animal sound bee. Bee! Bzzzzz! It's adorable. I really need to get it on video. Next thing I know, he'll be off to elementary. I don't want to think about it.
Isabelle is now 3 months old. She's changed so much, but she's still my cuddler. By this age, Adam was already rolling over. If she's angry enough, she almost can, but thankfully it seems she's content to just be a baby. I was looking at 4 month old pictures of Adam and the difference is remarkable. He seemed more alert and observant. She is too, but just not as much as Adam. Adam just never really seemed like a baby. She coos and kicks, giggles and is developing her belly laugh. She loves moving her tongue around and every once in a while she'll suck on her lips. Adam used to get his top lip and just suck on it. It made the cutest sound and face. Oh, he loved to do that. She does it a couple of times and then stops. I hope she'll do it for a while so I can get it on video. She recognizes her Mommy and Daddy, and today she got her ears pierced. Yep, she's got little studs. She did really well. My dear friend from high school and her mom did it. They are the only ones besides the doctor that I would even consider doing it. So, the boys got their haircuts and Belle got her ears pierced. She cried for a minute, turned red, and then she got a bottle. She was fine. I didn't even cry, although a tear did pop up, but I quickly wiped it away.
The kids will be baptized on the 25th. This will be so special to us. This is also Daniel's birthday and he is so proud. I'm happy to finally be doing this. We've tried for a year and half to get Adam baptized, but it just never worked out. This time, I started planning early. They've got beautiful baptismal outfits that my parents bought. So much for the one we'd bought! My dad said it wasn't good enough for his granddaughter. Adam will look so sharp in his white suit. But, mostly they will be in the care of Christ. It's an event that charts a course for their lives. We know that most likely they will attend parochial schools and yes we're ok with paying the tuition for that. It's the beginning of their life in the Church and the receiving of the Holy Sacraments. Daniel and I will have to improve on our own path so that we can lead by example. I love that Daniel is willing to be open to raising our children Catholic, even though he isn't. That means alot. I hope that they will knowledgeable of their religion, but also be tolerant and want to know about other religions. That way, when the time comes they can make their own decision about which religious path to follow on their own. That's years down the road, but the journey is about to begin for them. That's special to me.
Work has been picking up for us! YEAH!!!!! The expansion has begun. In fact, today we watched the trees being lifted by crane right outside out our window. Yesterday the cut a water line and for a brief while we had a pool. We have fun watching all the workers do their jobs, or not, and we've even made up names for them. After the layoff we had and the way it affected the morale, this is a welcome diversion. It's given us all something to be excited about.
We're almost done planning Adam's party, but here's the specifics. May 2nd, 11:30 AM, Leapin' Lizards in North Richland Hills. The party is early this year because we leave for Wisconsin on May 13th and didnt' want to cram so much into that last week. You know how crazy it is when you're getting ready for a big trip! So, we're getting everything done early.
Well, I really should get to bed. I've had to spend alot of time on the computer tonight. I don't know how long my playlist has been messed up on here, but somehow it was not mine. There were songs on there I'd never even heard of. But, I got it all fixed now and even found songs I hadn't heard in forever.
I began to feel sick that night and it got worse Saturday. It was so bad I began to worry that maybe the doctor had not done her job right and I was pregnant - AGAIN! I still managed to go to the party, but the first part was spent feeling sick and worn out. I slowly began to feel better after a nice bowl of tortilla soup (we were at El Fenix) and I was so glad. My cousin had come up from Houston and it was a blast. She had not even seen Isabelle yet so it was great to see her get to bond with her. She bought her adorable clothes and gave Adam some really cute toys. He'll love the ball and bat, he already loves the bucket because he enjoys putting things away so much, and the rake and shovel will keep him busy forever too! The visit was so short as they drove up that morning and left to go back right after lunch. We hope to go for a visit soon, especially to see the new lakehouse! Way cool!
Easter was a blur. We visited with so many people. The kids baskets were made by my sister and she did a fantastic job! She just adores these kiddos!
I was still feeling sick, so I was unable to really enjoy myself. I hope I wasn't too much of a downer.
Adam isn't a toddler anymore. He's just a little boy. His little sentences make me smile. He loves to get our attention and tell us stuff. His favorite animal sound bee. Bee! Bzzzzz! It's adorable. I really need to get it on video. Next thing I know, he'll be off to elementary. I don't want to think about it.
Isabelle is now 3 months old. She's changed so much, but she's still my cuddler. By this age, Adam was already rolling over. If she's angry enough, she almost can, but thankfully it seems she's content to just be a baby. I was looking at 4 month old pictures of Adam and the difference is remarkable. He seemed more alert and observant. She is too, but just not as much as Adam. Adam just never really seemed like a baby. She coos and kicks, giggles and is developing her belly laugh. She loves moving her tongue around and every once in a while she'll suck on her lips. Adam used to get his top lip and just suck on it. It made the cutest sound and face. Oh, he loved to do that. She does it a couple of times and then stops. I hope she'll do it for a while so I can get it on video. She recognizes her Mommy and Daddy, and today she got her ears pierced. Yep, she's got little studs. She did really well. My dear friend from high school and her mom did it. They are the only ones besides the doctor that I would even consider doing it. So, the boys got their haircuts and Belle got her ears pierced. She cried for a minute, turned red, and then she got a bottle. She was fine. I didn't even cry, although a tear did pop up, but I quickly wiped it away.
The kids will be baptized on the 25th. This will be so special to us. This is also Daniel's birthday and he is so proud. I'm happy to finally be doing this. We've tried for a year and half to get Adam baptized, but it just never worked out. This time, I started planning early. They've got beautiful baptismal outfits that my parents bought. So much for the one we'd bought! My dad said it wasn't good enough for his granddaughter. Adam will look so sharp in his white suit. But, mostly they will be in the care of Christ. It's an event that charts a course for their lives. We know that most likely they will attend parochial schools and yes we're ok with paying the tuition for that. It's the beginning of their life in the Church and the receiving of the Holy Sacraments. Daniel and I will have to improve on our own path so that we can lead by example. I love that Daniel is willing to be open to raising our children Catholic, even though he isn't. That means alot. I hope that they will knowledgeable of their religion, but also be tolerant and want to know about other religions. That way, when the time comes they can make their own decision about which religious path to follow on their own. That's years down the road, but the journey is about to begin for them. That's special to me.
Work has been picking up for us! YEAH!!!!! The expansion has begun. In fact, today we watched the trees being lifted by crane right outside out our window. Yesterday the cut a water line and for a brief while we had a pool. We have fun watching all the workers do their jobs, or not, and we've even made up names for them. After the layoff we had and the way it affected the morale, this is a welcome diversion. It's given us all something to be excited about.
We're almost done planning Adam's party, but here's the specifics. May 2nd, 11:30 AM, Leapin' Lizards in North Richland Hills. The party is early this year because we leave for Wisconsin on May 13th and didnt' want to cram so much into that last week. You know how crazy it is when you're getting ready for a big trip! So, we're getting everything done early.
Well, I really should get to bed. I've had to spend alot of time on the computer tonight. I don't know how long my playlist has been messed up on here, but somehow it was not mine. There were songs on there I'd never even heard of. But, I got it all fixed now and even found songs I hadn't heard in forever.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Peace of Mind
Today went pretty smoothly. I was actually expecting the worst, but all in all it was a decent day. The news that I got and had to address this morning is all taken care of and I'm still able to live! WooHoo! The job interview was today also. It went really well and both sides were able to address the "environment" issues. The interviewers did not know that I have extensive previous dealings with the FAA and how to manage their needs. So, that did impress them and I was proud of myself. He was impressed with my aviation background and was intrigued by how I got bit by the aviation bug. I was able to let them know that the concern I have about the team that I would be joining and how I differ. They seemed to understand and agree with me, but also stated that one of these people has also wanted to have more interaction with people. But, I did tell them that if I wasn't the right fit, that I was happy where I am at. I had another manager find out I was interviewing and he voiced his concerns about me leaving the Records deptartment. It made me feel great, but then again what does that mean for my advancement? I know they want me to succeed, but we'd really have to get someone knew back there. The person we have is not working out. Work has been so busy. We've had ten clients demand to leave with their records. This is not an easy task by any means. The stack of new records to complete only diminished by 5 today! Typically all of these would have been done and almost mailed out. The problem with rushing these records through is that we are likely to make some small mistake, but one that could cost a lot of money for us, the customer, and the pilot being grounded from flying. We're going to address this tomorrow because we can't work under this pressure efficiently and get everything right. Not possible.
On to the kids. Adam is terrific.....most of the time. He's so headstrong, but helpful. He's developing his vocabulary every day. I love the way he says cow. He loves to make the "buzzzz" sound for a bee. We're working on saying "two" when someone asks how old he is. He has a different way of learning that I'm trying to adjust to. He's not the sit down and lets practice or repeat. If you start singing the ABCs, he just looks at you and says "no". But if you say "A!" he'll excitedly repeat it and keep going along with you through the alphabet. He loves his flashcards too. He's a fun little boy now. There's nothing babyish about him anymore. I just wish we could get him to eat better. We try to work with him, but obviously we're doing something wrong. It makes me feel like a bad mother when my son won't even touch his food.
Baby Belle is getting over being sick. She's been eating better. For a few days she couldn't breathe very well, making her bottle feeding a struggle. Now, she's getting chunky little thighs. Her feet are still tiny. She's not even fitting into a size 1 shoe very well yet. Her new Keds are a 1 and as long as her socks are a little thicker they stay on. She'll be three months old on April 7th. Wow! It still gets me that she's my last baby sometimes. It still amazes me that I have a son and a daughter. Oh, it's just so challenging sometimes, but when you catch the look in their eyes it just rewards you a hundred times over!
My mom's birthday party is fast approaching. I have got to make phone calls to firm up the RSVP list and select a cake. I was going to go for a more fancy cake, but the funds just aren't there for an extravagant confectionary delight. It'll still be pretty, just not like those you see on Ace of Cakes. Those cakes are freakin' awesome!
I'll be creating the kids baptism invitations soon, but I'll go ahead and let you all know the information now so that you can mark your calendars. Saturday April 25th (yes, Daniel's birthday also) 7pm at St. Luke's Catholic Parish in Irving. I know everyone is very busy this time of year, so I hope we'll see you there. If not, I'm sure there will be plenty of picture taking!
I guess that's about it for today. My mind is a little more at peace today than it has been. God blessed me today with what I needed. Thank you God!
On to the kids. Adam is terrific.....most of the time. He's so headstrong, but helpful. He's developing his vocabulary every day. I love the way he says cow. He loves to make the "buzzzz" sound for a bee. We're working on saying "two" when someone asks how old he is. He has a different way of learning that I'm trying to adjust to. He's not the sit down and lets practice or repeat. If you start singing the ABCs, he just looks at you and says "no". But if you say "A!" he'll excitedly repeat it and keep going along with you through the alphabet. He loves his flashcards too. He's a fun little boy now. There's nothing babyish about him anymore. I just wish we could get him to eat better. We try to work with him, but obviously we're doing something wrong. It makes me feel like a bad mother when my son won't even touch his food.
Baby Belle is getting over being sick. She's been eating better. For a few days she couldn't breathe very well, making her bottle feeding a struggle. Now, she's getting chunky little thighs. Her feet are still tiny. She's not even fitting into a size 1 shoe very well yet. Her new Keds are a 1 and as long as her socks are a little thicker they stay on. She'll be three months old on April 7th. Wow! It still gets me that she's my last baby sometimes. It still amazes me that I have a son and a daughter. Oh, it's just so challenging sometimes, but when you catch the look in their eyes it just rewards you a hundred times over!
My mom's birthday party is fast approaching. I have got to make phone calls to firm up the RSVP list and select a cake. I was going to go for a more fancy cake, but the funds just aren't there for an extravagant confectionary delight. It'll still be pretty, just not like those you see on Ace of Cakes. Those cakes are freakin' awesome!
I'll be creating the kids baptism invitations soon, but I'll go ahead and let you all know the information now so that you can mark your calendars. Saturday April 25th (yes, Daniel's birthday also) 7pm at St. Luke's Catholic Parish in Irving. I know everyone is very busy this time of year, so I hope we'll see you there. If not, I'm sure there will be plenty of picture taking!
I guess that's about it for today. My mind is a little more at peace today than it has been. God blessed me today with what I needed. Thank you God!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Playing with Shadows
Friday evening was one of those sweet moments as a Mommy that you hope to remember forever. I came out of the bedroom and noticed Adam was quietly playing on the other side of the dinner table. As I looked I noticed what he was playing with. His shadow! It was so cute. He was pinching his shadow. His little fingers tried a few times to touch his shadow then he noticed I was watching. He first noticed shadows one day recently at the park. He saw all of our shadows and laughed.
It's funny how Adam's second birthday is turning out to be more difficult to plan that his first. My parents are splitting the cost of the party. We were going to do another park party, but we have such a busy few weeks that my mom convinced me to take the easy way and host a party somewhere that sets up and cleans up for us. We've done our research and I think we've decided. My parents will be over next weekend to attend baptism class with us, so we are making the trip to the place we've selected so that they can take a look. We'll also go to Grapevine Mills to select their baptism attire. I have a gown for Baby Belle, but my parents would rather not have her wear a "used" gown. It was bought at a consignment sale and appears new to me, but evidently the idea that it may have been used is not appealing to my parents. So, they have offered to buy their outfits too. They adore these two children and I adore them for always wanting to do so much for them. It's such a blessing.
Tomorrow brings a possible change for me. I will have my interview for that new position. I am pretty much going in to it decided that I will decline if I am offered the position. I think I put my name on the list more for other reasons rather than really wanting the job. It was more of not wanting to let my former boss down. He has tons of confidence in me and was concerned that I hadn't put myself in for consideration. I will interview though and go with an open mind. I have questions and concerns about who I'd be working with, so this would have to be addressed too. I guess we'll see how far my open mind will take me.
I have tons of concerns right now. All these busy weeks are taking a toll on my mind. I got some news on Friday that I have to address on Monday. I knew this was going to catch up to me, but we procrastinated. Don't worry, it'll all be settled and be taken care of . One way or another. This will add to my worries, but all I can do is try to make it right and figure it all out. I'm just bothered that these weeks will be expensive weeks and yes I just tend to worry about money all the time. I just have to keep the big picture: two healthy kids, great hubby, roof over head, food on table, electricity, car, job, friends and family, stock of diapers for kids, and formula. It'll all be ok, won't it?
It's funny how Adam's second birthday is turning out to be more difficult to plan that his first. My parents are splitting the cost of the party. We were going to do another park party, but we have such a busy few weeks that my mom convinced me to take the easy way and host a party somewhere that sets up and cleans up for us. We've done our research and I think we've decided. My parents will be over next weekend to attend baptism class with us, so we are making the trip to the place we've selected so that they can take a look. We'll also go to Grapevine Mills to select their baptism attire. I have a gown for Baby Belle, but my parents would rather not have her wear a "used" gown. It was bought at a consignment sale and appears new to me, but evidently the idea that it may have been used is not appealing to my parents. So, they have offered to buy their outfits too. They adore these two children and I adore them for always wanting to do so much for them. It's such a blessing.
Tomorrow brings a possible change for me. I will have my interview for that new position. I am pretty much going in to it decided that I will decline if I am offered the position. I think I put my name on the list more for other reasons rather than really wanting the job. It was more of not wanting to let my former boss down. He has tons of confidence in me and was concerned that I hadn't put myself in for consideration. I will interview though and go with an open mind. I have questions and concerns about who I'd be working with, so this would have to be addressed too. I guess we'll see how far my open mind will take me.
I have tons of concerns right now. All these busy weeks are taking a toll on my mind. I got some news on Friday that I have to address on Monday. I knew this was going to catch up to me, but we procrastinated. Don't worry, it'll all be settled and be taken care of . One way or another. This will add to my worries, but all I can do is try to make it right and figure it all out. I'm just bothered that these weeks will be expensive weeks and yes I just tend to worry about money all the time. I just have to keep the big picture: two healthy kids, great hubby, roof over head, food on table, electricity, car, job, friends and family, stock of diapers for kids, and formula. It'll all be ok, won't it?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
All For Nothing

This weekend was supposed to be one of relaxation and feeling better. I woke up Saturday feeling the worst I have felt this whole time with bronchitis. I continued to work throughout being sick and I paid the price that morning. I felt absolutely awful. I gathered the energy to shower and get ready so we could research birthday party options and a few errands. This turned into a whole day of activities. The Samson's came with us and it was a full fun day. We drove to Going Bonkers and the boys had a blast! It's a McDonalds playground on steroids. Insanely loud too! When we left it was like when you leave a concert. The amazing thing was that the boys were so tuckered out there wasn't any fussing when we left. Sweet! Adam slept the whole way back and we took a look at Boomerangs. I like Boomerangs. I know the adults can't go on the inflatables, but for the sake of my sanity I think my vote is for there. It was much more controlled and calm. You could hear yourself think. No careless parents letting their children running around sockless and knocking over the little ones. Going Bonkers would have me feeling like I'm the "police" for the area. Here's Adam sliding:

Work is laying off one customer support person. Thankfully I am not in the contention for this. Fortunately the center fought and got permission to fill a position that would be a lateral move for this one person. They are trying to find any way they can to avoid this layoff. I hope they are successful. I have struggled with the decision to put my name on the list of interviewees. Managers have asked why my name wasn't on the list yet, they've encouraged me, and voiced their confidence in my ability to do the job. The job would be a slight promotion with a little more money, but that's not something that concerns me. Sure the extra money would be great, but I am more interested in doing something I enjoy. I'm not sure I would enjoy doing this new job. I wouldn't enjoy the environment it's in for sure. I put my name on the list and will dicuss the options during my interview process. All I can do is try.
I am gearing up for big plans....my mom's birthday is almost hear and it's time to make final decision about the cake and other plans. Then we've got to plan for the kids baptism and celebration. Then it's time for Adam's party. I'm just hoping the funds can handle the plans.
Friday, March 20, 2009
What A Week!
Life's been definitely wacky lately. Work has been good, but now we've gotten word that there will be a layoff at the center. We're fortunate that this is the first one. Other centers are on their second and have had lots more people laid off. There will be 4 instructors laid off and 1 Customer Support person. This is going to be a tough few months. I'm not sure if this will be the only round of layoffs, no one is. But, all we can do is pray and prepare for the future, whatever that may bring. I would hate to have to get out there and job search right now. Honestly, I think if this person ends up being me, that we'd look at eliminating expenses and I would stay home for a while. It would be tight, but the more money we have the more we spend. We'd make it work. I pray that I don't have to make that choice. The company is leary of an aggressive lay off. After 9/11 they laid off a huge majority of people, only to recover in a few months and had to begin the drawn out process of rehiring. In aviation, that's not a simple task. Pilots / Instructors have to retain currency in their aircraft and this takes time. Instructors don't even produce revenue for the company for months when the are first hired. Besides all this bad news, the company is preparing some ambitious plans for it's future. A layoff will fix the immediate cash flow issues, but they still have to think of when they revive from this. Some centers, including ours, are still expanding, and now FlightSafety is planning on new centers in Africa and Japan. I hope I remain there in order to experience the new endeavours the company will take.
On a more personal note, I have been so sick. Remember when I said I have been feeling so rundown lately. Yeah, now I know why! I have bronchitis. I knew something was off. I coughed for two days, then went to the doctor on Thursday. She did a full work up on me: flu swab (just in case), checked ears, throat, and chest, oxygen saturation level, and a series of chest x-rays (I've never had an x-ray). She wanted to make sure there weren't signs of pneumonia. Thankfully, it was only bronchitis. She said they are seeing a more resistent strain this year, so she went for the strongest antibiotic- Levaquin. Oh, and I got cough syrup with codeine. I thought I would take the cough syrup and go to sleep. Yeah, not so much. I actually was wound up from it. Oh well, as long as it keeps this cough at bay. I don't seem any better yet, but I hope with rest (which I haven't gotten much of) I will begin to turn a corner.
Adam has been in rare form. His routine is off since Ms. Jean is on vacation. My niece has taken care of them so he's been full of mischief. He's got such a grin though when he's been caught. And those big brown eyes. But, he still gets a time out. Monday will much the same. His grandma is keeping him and it will take us a week to get him straightened back out after these 3 days away from Ms. Jean. She'll have fun.
Well, I am tired so I'm going to go take my meds and hit the hay. Tomorrow I hope to feel well enough to go do bluebonnet pictures and check out birthday party venues for Adam's party. Fun Fun!
On a more personal note, I have been so sick. Remember when I said I have been feeling so rundown lately. Yeah, now I know why! I have bronchitis. I knew something was off. I coughed for two days, then went to the doctor on Thursday. She did a full work up on me: flu swab (just in case), checked ears, throat, and chest, oxygen saturation level, and a series of chest x-rays (I've never had an x-ray). She wanted to make sure there weren't signs of pneumonia. Thankfully, it was only bronchitis. She said they are seeing a more resistent strain this year, so she went for the strongest antibiotic- Levaquin. Oh, and I got cough syrup with codeine. I thought I would take the cough syrup and go to sleep. Yeah, not so much. I actually was wound up from it. Oh well, as long as it keeps this cough at bay. I don't seem any better yet, but I hope with rest (which I haven't gotten much of) I will begin to turn a corner.
Adam has been in rare form. His routine is off since Ms. Jean is on vacation. My niece has taken care of them so he's been full of mischief. He's got such a grin though when he's been caught. And those big brown eyes. But, he still gets a time out. Monday will much the same. His grandma is keeping him and it will take us a week to get him straightened back out after these 3 days away from Ms. Jean. She'll have fun.
Well, I am tired so I'm going to go take my meds and hit the hay. Tomorrow I hope to feel well enough to go do bluebonnet pictures and check out birthday party venues for Adam's party. Fun Fun!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Been Awhile
It's taken me a few days to have the energy to write an update. I've been feeling rundown lately and today I didn't go to work. My stomach was aching this morning and I just couldn't get the energy to even get ready. So, I called in late thinking I would make my way in later this morning, but around 10 I decided to just rest at home. Good thing, because I've spent much of my day between the bed and the bathroom.
Anyways.....Belle went to the dr. on Monday. She now weighs 11lbs. 10oz and she got four shots. She fussed at us afterwards too. She only really cried for a minute, but told us about it all the way to the car. Dr. Powell said her right eye is improving and that by 4 months the connections between her brain and her eye should be well established and the eye will settle. He checked her hips, her soft spot, her belly, and her heart. He was so happy to tell us that he really couldn't hear the heart murmur any more. Great news!!! He thinks it's probably already closing up, but we'll have to wait until she's 6 months to have her next echocardiogram to check for sure. I also had a checkup the same day. My diabetes is under control. I was glad. I spoke with him about what to do about the weight. He tested my metabolism and it came back 400 calories low. He said that's like a Big Mac meal. or an hours worth of aerobic exercise. Instead of putting me on a prescription appetite suppresant, we decided to try all natural supplements. You see, he did all this research, spoke with patients, came up with his own line of supplements, and is now nearly done with phase II trials of it. I felt reassured about taking something my own doctor created and fellow patients of his have been using for awhile. It's made of common herbs like ginger root, acai, and green tea. So, I'm giving it a try and I can tell a difference in my energy already. We'll have another checkup in two months and see how I'm doing.
Speaking of two months, they are going to be busy! April 4th we have baptism class, April 8th is my mom's 60th birthday, April 11th is the birthday celebration, April 25th is Daniel's birthday and the kids will be baptized, May 9th or 10th will be Adam's birthday party, May 11th is Adam's 2nd birthday, and we leave for Wisconsin a couple of days later. I sure hope I can keep up! In between all this will be work (the building expansion is set to finally begin) and doctor appts. 4month check up for Belle, 2 month checkup for me, 2yr checkup for Adam. I better get a calendar going as I am bound to forget something.
This past weekend we went to the consignment sale in NRH. They didn't have much for Adam's size, but they had tons for the baby! She has plenty of onesies and stuff like that, but she didn't have any girly dresses that could fit her now. So, I think I wiped them out of cute dresses. I think I found the perfect one for bluebonnet pictures. It's simple white cotton with a pastel plaid ribbon around the waist. I will try to get a picture up of the dresses we found. I finally broke down and bought one of those huge wraps that you can interchange bows on. Too cute! It's so much fun dressing her up. But what's even more fun is watching her watch Adam. She is getting more observant and she realizes that her brother loves to be right next to her. To watch them grow up together is going to be the best. I know there will be fights and days when I wonder if they'll ever get along, but I know that he'll always be there to protect her and she'll adore having a big brother. I think she already does. Baby is the first word he speaks in the morning and he gives her night night kisses before heading off to bed. It's one of the best moments of my day.
Work has been good. It's been kinda slow, yes due to the economy, but we're lucky at our center. We were profitable and we are pretty lean in terms of employees. We're shorthanded in our center and we've been operating like this for awhile. The building expansion is about to start because it's better for business in DFW. We have 16 simulators right now and it looks like 8 more are on the way. They are building additional space to accomodate 8 more after that. The center is going to double in size, there will be dedicated space for Falcon and Gulfstream teams. They are going to be closing in the area outside my window. I'm concerned about losing my view. I really don't care to see the backsides of construction workers all day. It is going to be a huge building once all is done in May 2010, but it will be a great center. Ours is only 8 years old and is considered one of the best already, so this should just add to it. Can you tell I'm proud of my job? I really am. It has it's days of course, but I really do like my job. My days are never the same. It's fun to keep track of airline talk, at least it is to me, but I've been in the airline industry for 9 years or so.
I have to go get the kids now. At least it's not raining right now. Yesterday was insane. I was soaked by the time I got the kids in and out of the car twice yesterday. Thanks to the wind, my umbrella is now broken. Now I've got to remember to get a new one.
Anyways.....Belle went to the dr. on Monday. She now weighs 11lbs. 10oz and she got four shots. She fussed at us afterwards too. She only really cried for a minute, but told us about it all the way to the car. Dr. Powell said her right eye is improving and that by 4 months the connections between her brain and her eye should be well established and the eye will settle. He checked her hips, her soft spot, her belly, and her heart. He was so happy to tell us that he really couldn't hear the heart murmur any more. Great news!!! He thinks it's probably already closing up, but we'll have to wait until she's 6 months to have her next echocardiogram to check for sure. I also had a checkup the same day. My diabetes is under control. I was glad. I spoke with him about what to do about the weight. He tested my metabolism and it came back 400 calories low. He said that's like a Big Mac meal. or an hours worth of aerobic exercise. Instead of putting me on a prescription appetite suppresant, we decided to try all natural supplements. You see, he did all this research, spoke with patients, came up with his own line of supplements, and is now nearly done with phase II trials of it. I felt reassured about taking something my own doctor created and fellow patients of his have been using for awhile. It's made of common herbs like ginger root, acai, and green tea. So, I'm giving it a try and I can tell a difference in my energy already. We'll have another checkup in two months and see how I'm doing.
Speaking of two months, they are going to be busy! April 4th we have baptism class, April 8th is my mom's 60th birthday, April 11th is the birthday celebration, April 25th is Daniel's birthday and the kids will be baptized, May 9th or 10th will be Adam's birthday party, May 11th is Adam's 2nd birthday, and we leave for Wisconsin a couple of days later. I sure hope I can keep up! In between all this will be work (the building expansion is set to finally begin) and doctor appts. 4month check up for Belle, 2 month checkup for me, 2yr checkup for Adam. I better get a calendar going as I am bound to forget something.
This past weekend we went to the consignment sale in NRH. They didn't have much for Adam's size, but they had tons for the baby! She has plenty of onesies and stuff like that, but she didn't have any girly dresses that could fit her now. So, I think I wiped them out of cute dresses. I think I found the perfect one for bluebonnet pictures. It's simple white cotton with a pastel plaid ribbon around the waist. I will try to get a picture up of the dresses we found. I finally broke down and bought one of those huge wraps that you can interchange bows on. Too cute! It's so much fun dressing her up. But what's even more fun is watching her watch Adam. She is getting more observant and she realizes that her brother loves to be right next to her. To watch them grow up together is going to be the best. I know there will be fights and days when I wonder if they'll ever get along, but I know that he'll always be there to protect her and she'll adore having a big brother. I think she already does. Baby is the first word he speaks in the morning and he gives her night night kisses before heading off to bed. It's one of the best moments of my day.
Work has been good. It's been kinda slow, yes due to the economy, but we're lucky at our center. We were profitable and we are pretty lean in terms of employees. We're shorthanded in our center and we've been operating like this for awhile. The building expansion is about to start because it's better for business in DFW. We have 16 simulators right now and it looks like 8 more are on the way. They are building additional space to accomodate 8 more after that. The center is going to double in size, there will be dedicated space for Falcon and Gulfstream teams. They are going to be closing in the area outside my window. I'm concerned about losing my view. I really don't care to see the backsides of construction workers all day. It is going to be a huge building once all is done in May 2010, but it will be a great center. Ours is only 8 years old and is considered one of the best already, so this should just add to it. Can you tell I'm proud of my job? I really am. It has it's days of course, but I really do like my job. My days are never the same. It's fun to keep track of airline talk, at least it is to me, but I've been in the airline industry for 9 years or so.
I have to go get the kids now. At least it's not raining right now. Yesterday was insane. I was soaked by the time I got the kids in and out of the car twice yesterday. Thanks to the wind, my umbrella is now broken. Now I've got to remember to get a new one.
Monday, March 2, 2009
It's been a busy, stressful, sad, chaotic, fun few days. Yes, all those are perfect descriptions. The last few days of work have been pretty crazy, but it's good to be back in a fun environment. Leonard and I still crack up laughing as we work. He was out on Friday and it never fails that this is when I get bombarded with the strangest questions and issues. Friday we also sold the Acura. So, Daniel went to work in the car, but I had to go get him. This was also the day of his coworkers wake. So, I got off work at 4, came home, packed up the kids' stuff, picked up the kids, drove to Daniel's work and waited. Of course, he wasn't ready to leave. Finally we left around 6:30 to go to the wake that was all the way in Oak Cliff. The wake was so sad, but yet joyous too. It was a celebration. Phillip was only 23 years old and even though I only met him once, I am thankful I got to meet him. He leaves behind two little ones who are too young to really have memories oh him.
Saturday the kids spent the night with my mom and sister. They love keeping them and my mom just loves to cuddle with them. Isabelle loved being held by her and gazing into her eyes. It was so special to watch them together. After we said goodbye we headed to the Gaylord. Leonard's birthday is the 5th, so he started celebrating early. A friend that used to work with came too and it was great to catch up. We went to the Glass Cactus and saw Le Freak. They are a 70s cover band and they were awesome! They came out in huge afro wigs, fur coats, and huge sunglasses. They played all the biggest disco hits and everyone had a great time. The DJ played good music between their sets. It was hilarious to watch everyone sing along to Ice Ice Baby and LL was dancing just like Vanilla Ice. He is a great dancer and just has a good time where ever he goes. It was time to call it a night at 2am and guess what. The shuttle that runs from the hotel to the club stops before the club even closes. How stupid is that? So, it's windy and cold and it's quite a hike from the club to the hotel. Especially after a few drinks. The hotel sent one of their drivers in a Suburban to pick us up. We went to another friend's suite, but left shortly after to our own room. I think it was about 3:30am- way past my bedtime. Of course, after having two kids in two years, I had a few too many. I had quite the hangover yesterday. Don't worry, learned my lesson. I am not a young pup anymore! Adam had a blast and my sister just adores him, but he was happy to be home. Isabelle was so smiley last night. It's like she was happy to be home and I was happy to hold her and talk to her. These kids just melt me! It was fun to have a good time, but it was even better to see the kids. Last night, Adam slipped on the tile and fell. He screamed out "OWWWWWW!" I just knew he was hurt because he very rarely cries when he falls. As I'm rushing to him, he calls out "I OK, I OK" It was so cute!!!!!!!!
This past week made me do alot of thinking. I thought about how much my life has changed. I am absolutely in love with my son and daughter. I would do anything to make them happy. I would give my life so that they could continue theirs. I think back to how selfish I was and how now I can't imagine my life without these two precious beings. But, I'm also thankful that I have time to take for myself. My time without my kids around recharges my batteries. It lights me up when I see them once they've been away from me, even when it's just coming home from work. I have a job that offers alot of perks and it was nice to be able to use one for once to cut loose and catch up with friends. I've got so many blessings to be thankful for and I hope my family knows that I am such a better person because of them.
Saturday the kids spent the night with my mom and sister. They love keeping them and my mom just loves to cuddle with them. Isabelle loved being held by her and gazing into her eyes. It was so special to watch them together. After we said goodbye we headed to the Gaylord. Leonard's birthday is the 5th, so he started celebrating early. A friend that used to work with came too and it was great to catch up. We went to the Glass Cactus and saw Le Freak. They are a 70s cover band and they were awesome! They came out in huge afro wigs, fur coats, and huge sunglasses. They played all the biggest disco hits and everyone had a great time. The DJ played good music between their sets. It was hilarious to watch everyone sing along to Ice Ice Baby and LL was dancing just like Vanilla Ice. He is a great dancer and just has a good time where ever he goes. It was time to call it a night at 2am and guess what. The shuttle that runs from the hotel to the club stops before the club even closes. How stupid is that? So, it's windy and cold and it's quite a hike from the club to the hotel. Especially after a few drinks. The hotel sent one of their drivers in a Suburban to pick us up. We went to another friend's suite, but left shortly after to our own room. I think it was about 3:30am- way past my bedtime. Of course, after having two kids in two years, I had a few too many. I had quite the hangover yesterday. Don't worry, learned my lesson. I am not a young pup anymore! Adam had a blast and my sister just adores him, but he was happy to be home. Isabelle was so smiley last night. It's like she was happy to be home and I was happy to hold her and talk to her. These kids just melt me! It was fun to have a good time, but it was even better to see the kids. Last night, Adam slipped on the tile and fell. He screamed out "OWWWWWW!" I just knew he was hurt because he very rarely cries when he falls. As I'm rushing to him, he calls out "I OK, I OK" It was so cute!!!!!!!!
This past week made me do alot of thinking. I thought about how much my life has changed. I am absolutely in love with my son and daughter. I would do anything to make them happy. I would give my life so that they could continue theirs. I think back to how selfish I was and how now I can't imagine my life without these two precious beings. But, I'm also thankful that I have time to take for myself. My time without my kids around recharges my batteries. It lights me up when I see them once they've been away from me, even when it's just coming home from work. I have a job that offers alot of perks and it was nice to be able to use one for once to cut loose and catch up with friends. I've got so many blessings to be thankful for and I hope my family knows that I am such a better person because of them.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Another First!
On a lovely afternoon this past weekend we were enjoying a relaxing day at home. Adam is telling me he needs a diaper change. I tell him just one second so I can finish one small task. It wouldn't take two seconds. That was not soon enough Adam thought, so he decided to show me just how urgent it was! Yep, for the first time ever, Adam slid his hand in the back of his diaper and to his shock it came out with poop! He was upset about this too. It freaked him out. He starts this little whine when things scare him. I looked over, saw what he did, dropped what I had, grabbed his hand before he could move it another inch, scooped him up and ran to the bathroom. Daniel froze. It was quite funny actually. I'm just glad this happened while I was right there and not when he was alone. Now, I just hope he doesn't do this when he is alone! I really don't want to walk in to his room and have a new paint color on the walls.
We are the proud owners of a minivan. It's used, but was kept in great condition. It's got a few minor things that we've got to fix, but the most major one is a new battery. He told us it may need one soon upfront. When we went to the auto parts store they tested it and we will get one this weekend. The other things are a new headlight and glueing the rear view mirror back on. No biggie. It's a 2002 Kia Sedona, leather interior, sunroof, woodgrain, and we're happy just to have more seats! So, now we are trying to sell the Acura. It's all detailed and pretty now. We've got people talking about it and we'll post it on Craigslist too probably. We are hopeful that this van is going to last a good while. The guy that sold it was very likeable, non-pushy, upfront, soccer dad, golf playing, blue collar kind of guy. Seemed very nice with a nice family. 4 kids, plus two parents and they had just outgrown the van. They have two Suburbans. He actually was sad to see the van go since he sometimes used it when his work Suburban would break down. But, he was happy to see it go to a family that needed it for their little family. I was worried the whole day yesterday, just hoping we made the right decision. But, I do feel much better, besides I didn't have to see the check for that much money.
So, that's our firsts for this week. The kids are great. Adam is Adam. He's playful, he's learning words and surprises us. Of course, some of them are still words that only his Mommy and Daddy understand. I have noticed that he forms words with m's before the word. If we tell him it's time to eat, he'll repeat and say "mmeat". We then practice some more, but it still comes out "mmeat". Then other words are clear as day, but he doesn't even realize he says them and neither do we until we stop and ask "did you just hear that?". Isabelle is sleeping longer at night. She's trying to hold her head up more and that's just adorable to me. Reminds me of baby turtles. Little necks trying to support little wobbly heads. Cute! She's such a daddy's girl already. She reserves her smiles mostly for her daddy. He talks to her and she grins. Too precious! 
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Back To The Grind

Today was my first day back to work. I'm glad Isabelle had already been at the sitter's since Monday. There were no tears this morning so it made the day a little easier to handle. I got to my desk and saw they had decorated it with balloons and confetti. They had also planned a luncheon in my honor. It made the transition much easier. It was a day of cleaning up my emails. I had been logging in to keep up with the emails, but hadn't in the last two weeks or so. I had over 700 emails to go through this morning. I got through them, but honestly didn't look at EVERY one of them. That would have taken me a week. That took me til lunch. Wednesday is also our weekly meeting so I had to prepare for that. I jumped right back in to the grind and kept up a good pace. There are a few changes that I had to be updated on, a few new processes, and alot more information to remember. It was good to be back though and I appreciated all the thoughtfulness of everyone. I had tons of visitors coming by to wish me a good day. Everyone said they missed me and there was even a round of applause at a meeting. WOW! Of course I got caught up on all the gossip and happenings too, but really I just concentrated on getting back into the swing of things.
Tuesday was spent with my hubby! He actually took a whole day off work to spent it with me. It didn't start off too good though. He got two phone calls before 8am! UGH!!!! But, after that we got the kids ready and off to the sitter. Then we headed out to the mall. We went to Grapevine Mills. It seems that during the morning hours they don't really care about customers. I needed a custom t-shirt made and we stood at the kiosk for about 15 minutes until the man came to help. He smelled of cigarette smoke. Anyway, he was not the sharpest tack of the bunch and it took forever to get this figured out. I wanted a design on the shirt in addition to wording, but he couldn't find the file. He wanted to do a different font and told me the one I wanted wouldn't look good. Blah, blah, blah. Since I needed the shirt I decided to just keep it simple so he could keep up. I kept the font I wanted, removed the design, and wanted it in an hour. He called shortly saying he'd found the file for the design. Nope, sorry dude, you wasted your time. I had already told him to just do the wording. I asked if he did the design if I could still get in in an hour. I couldn't really understand what he was saying, so I said no to that and just embroid the wording I wanted. Daniel and I bought new shoes, I got new jeans (I had to go up one size for now. This is one time that I hope I wasted my money and have to get rid of these in a few months), a new shirt, and we walked the whole mall. We then returned to the kiosk to pick up the shirt. We were totally pleased with it and my font looks great! Ha! As we are finishing up paying this man comes running through the mall screaming something. We don't know what he's screaming and I wasn't sticking around to find out. I just want this guy to hand me my change and receipt so I can get the hell out of there! People are staring, employees are coming out of the stores asking what is going on, and others are heading in the same direction to see what's happening. Crazy people!!!!! Have you know knowledge of crazed gunmen in malls???? I about snatched my stuff from the guy in order to hurry up. Finally we were on our way out and it seemed like the longest freakin' walk to the exit. How ironic that the shirt I had embroidered said "Why are we running?". It's an inside joke and will only be figured out by one or two people that read this blog. Susan, I'll let you laugh now. I hope those claw marks that I probably left on your shoulder healed well.
After the crazy mall experience we went to a few other places then to lunch at Uncle Julio's. Ahh, my first margarita and I went all out. Yep, had it made with Patron. Mmmm. Muy Delicioso! Oh, and I added Midori to it too. Oh, and the food was pretty tasty too!
It was a great way to spend the day. I thought back to what all Daniel and I have been through. We went from high school fun, to seriously dating, to marriage, to wondering if we'd have a family, to accepting that we may not, to experiencing the heartbreak of miscarriage, to finding out Adam was on his way, loving something so much you'd give your life for him, then to our amazement getting pregnant again so quickly with Isabelle, and now she's here, and now I have my amazing family. Life has had it's ups and downs and I know there's only many more of these peaks and valleys for us. But, Daniel and I have gone through it all, and we've made it through together. I think we've gone through alot together in the last 9.5 years and it's made us better people. He's an amazing father who adores his babies and he is a fantastic husband who I still catch staring at me like he did when we first started dating. It doesn't hurt that he does laundry and cooks dinner too! I'm definitely one blessed woman.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Too Big For My Britches
This weekend we went on a mini hunt for a used van. We got our income tax and were eager to invest in a dependable used van. The Acura is running and it's ok, but we just want another family vehicle. The Acura has been fine for awhile after we had to spend a few bucks on it, but it's something we still have to check and make sure Daniel doesn't overheat. For some reason the thermostat will rise, Daniel revs the engine, and it'll go back down. Sometimes it needs a little water too. So, we took a look online and even went to Traders Village. We saw a couple, but we just couldn't take the leap. We're going to keep looking and save more money so that we can purchase something better. Another $1000 - $1500 would go a long way.
Valentine's Day was peaceful. We hung out at the house and exchanged cards. We took Isabelle out in her cute outfit and bib. Everyone oohed and aahed over her. She's really beginning to become more active. She'll wave her arms and kick her legs. She's discovered that the ceiling fan really is awesome to look at. Her coos are becoming more regular as she gazes at me. Her right eye is beginning to focus more. I hope the doctor is right in that it will straighten itself out. It's not nearly as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago though.
Adam is such a proud protective big brother and son. Sure, he's a rough and tumble, loud, strongwilled little boy, but when it comes to her he's so protective. This weekend I had a mommy moment. Our computer desk came crashing off the wall, laptop and all. Scared the heck out of all of us! It literally came apart and wouldn't stay propped up. Adam was so eager to help us fix it and pick stuff up. Well, one piece that we were trying to get to stay up so I could get to stuff fell and landed right on my arm. Now, this desk was actually more like a locker (from IKEA) and completely metal. So, it hurt. Adam rushed to me, said "Sorry" and gave me the biggest hug. Ahhhh, it just melted the pain away. My sweet baby. I shall try to remember that moment when he's a teenager and tells me I'm ruining his life.
I return to work on Wednesday. But, Isabelle had her first day at the sitter today. I cried as they left this morning. My baby girl. On one hand I wanted to hold her when she cried. On the other it was a good break for me. I had my last OB appt. today to be released to work. After that I went to treat myself to a spa day. I got a great mani/pedi and had my eyebrows waxed. It was so relaxing. Ok, so not the actual ripping off of stray hairs, but the rest was. The dr released me to work, but referred me to a chiropractor. My right hip still gives me an occasional fit and she thinks this should help. She wants to check for some sort of hip displacement from carrying Isabelle. I'm glad I'm done having children. I don't think I would have made it through a third. This little girl did me in.
Daniel surprised me and took a vacation day off work tomorrow. How sweet! We have plans to relax and reconnect after, and before, such a busy time in our lives. On the agenda- I need new blue jeans. This is going to be awful, but I have to quit wearing my oh-so-comfy maternity jeans. Oh, how I love them. My goal is to fit into my old jeans, but I think that's going to be a little while longer. I can almost get into a couple of pair that I have. In the meantime, I will buy a new pair and be depressed that it's the largest size I have EVER bought. My hips and thighs are not the thinnest part of me anymore. Now, the go with the rest of me I guess. BIG!
Valentine's Day was peaceful. We hung out at the house and exchanged cards. We took Isabelle out in her cute outfit and bib. Everyone oohed and aahed over her. She's really beginning to become more active. She'll wave her arms and kick her legs. She's discovered that the ceiling fan really is awesome to look at. Her coos are becoming more regular as she gazes at me. Her right eye is beginning to focus more. I hope the doctor is right in that it will straighten itself out. It's not nearly as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago though.
Adam is such a proud protective big brother and son. Sure, he's a rough and tumble, loud, strongwilled little boy, but when it comes to her he's so protective. This weekend I had a mommy moment. Our computer desk came crashing off the wall, laptop and all. Scared the heck out of all of us! It literally came apart and wouldn't stay propped up. Adam was so eager to help us fix it and pick stuff up. Well, one piece that we were trying to get to stay up so I could get to stuff fell and landed right on my arm. Now, this desk was actually more like a locker (from IKEA) and completely metal. So, it hurt. Adam rushed to me, said "Sorry" and gave me the biggest hug. Ahhhh, it just melted the pain away. My sweet baby. I shall try to remember that moment when he's a teenager and tells me I'm ruining his life.
I return to work on Wednesday. But, Isabelle had her first day at the sitter today. I cried as they left this morning. My baby girl. On one hand I wanted to hold her when she cried. On the other it was a good break for me. I had my last OB appt. today to be released to work. After that I went to treat myself to a spa day. I got a great mani/pedi and had my eyebrows waxed. It was so relaxing. Ok, so not the actual ripping off of stray hairs, but the rest was. The dr released me to work, but referred me to a chiropractor. My right hip still gives me an occasional fit and she thinks this should help. She wants to check for some sort of hip displacement from carrying Isabelle. I'm glad I'm done having children. I don't think I would have made it through a third. This little girl did me in.
Daniel surprised me and took a vacation day off work tomorrow. How sweet! We have plans to relax and reconnect after, and before, such a busy time in our lives. On the agenda- I need new blue jeans. This is going to be awful, but I have to quit wearing my oh-so-comfy maternity jeans. Oh, how I love them. My goal is to fit into my old jeans, but I think that's going to be a little while longer. I can almost get into a couple of pair that I have. In the meantime, I will buy a new pair and be depressed that it's the largest size I have EVER bought. My hips and thighs are not the thinnest part of me anymore. Now, the go with the rest of me I guess. BIG!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Let's Play Catch Up
I haven't posted in a few days and now I have to try to remember what's all happened. On Monday Adam hated potty training. Hated it!!! Ms. Jean tried and tried and he threw a fit every time she took him to the potty. He's been giving us signs and tells us when he's in need of a new diaper. He even observes what one does in regards to the potty. He LOVES to flush and wave bye bye. He one thing he does not like to do evidently is sit on the potty. Hmmmmm.. We were all prepared. Treats for going potty. Cool new undies. Then, Ms. Jean realized that he's not even two years old yet. She thinks that we're jumping ahead of ourselves. While it's great that he knows what goes on, he needs time to get there. For some reason she thought he was two and that's why we were proceeding, but we've got til May. So, we are going to work on getting him acquainted with the potty more, but no pressure on him to actually use it just yet. We don't want to traumatize him. Bummer....oh well, he'll get there soon enough.
Isabelle, or Isabrat as I've been calling her, had her 1 month checkup. It was a week late due to the doctor's office getting sick last week. She now weighs in at a whopping 10lbs 8oz. Her heart is strong. She got a shot in her thigh and she screamed for a second and then was all calm. She's a bleeder like her Mommy though. She bled right through that bandage, then it clotted right up. The reason she now has the nickname (probably not the most flattering one) is because she is totally different than Adam. Adam was so content to sit in his chair or boppy and take a look around. He loved to watch the ceiling fan and was just happy as a clam. Isabelle is the opposite. She's still a good baby, but she doesn't like to be set down in any one place for a length of time. She loves to be held all day long! Which is ok, but after while I need both hands! Hard to do dishes holding her. Sometimes I just let her cry for awhile which is bad because I think she's so cute when she cries.....so it really doesn't bother me at all. She's a pretty good sleeper now that we got her on schedule. She's usually in bed around 9-9:30 and gets back up around 3:30am. We lucked out with two babies that have their days and nights switched. She's feisty though. If she doesn't want her paci or bottle she lets you know by making faces and gagging. Gagging so hard she looks like she's going to be sick. She already rears back and practically jumps out of your arms. Her other nickname "diva" which she had since I was pregnant with her, suits her totally. Her Daddy and brother are in for it that's for sure!
My sister had a very bad car wreck last Friday. A driver ran a light and slammed into her which pushed her into a pole that ended up falling. She was blessed to only receive bumps and bruises, even the EMT said this. They were saying it was her fault at first, but in the end it came out that she didn't run a light- he did. In his 2008 Jaguar!!!!!!! She's got a constant spasm in her neck that a chiropractor is working on and now she has a rental, but she's scared to drive of course.
Daniel got a speeding ticket this morning....ugh! Everyone knows not to speed in Carrollton/Farmers Branch right? Oh well, in the scheme of things it's ok. Nothing like giving your money away and getting nothing out of it. 46 in 30 mph zone. Could have paid a week of daycare with that money.
I go back to work next Wednesday. I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'm just so not the housewife kind of person. I try to be, but it just depresses me. If she was older and Adam was here too , then I could see it, but I'm pretty much in need of seeing other humans. Ones over 3 ft tall. I'm also dreading to see what lies in store for me at work. Never fails that there are always changes when someone is out for any length of time. I've heard of some of the happenings, but I'll have to get in there to really find out. When I first worked here as a temp, they offered me a permanent position. Then I went on vacation, only to come back to no position. Yep, they rescinded their offer while I was on vacation. I know, it was shady, and there were other people involved, but I stuck it out. I love the department I'm in and things have changed somewhat. So, I just hope I don't get left out in the cold again. Ms. Jean will take care of Isabelle too. I hope she can figure her out. By this time with Adam, I knew all his different cries. Daniel didn't even believe me one day. Adam was crying and I told Daniel to go lay him down. He said that he couldn't be sleepy. I told him to please do it. Sure enough, he went right to sleep. I guess I did know what I was talking about. But, I can't figure Isabelle out. She's definitely a princess and just gives a shout and we all come running. Even Adam does!!! See, she is Isabrat!
P.S.- I got the neonatologist bill for her NICU stay. Just for his service - $5576. Thank you Cigna for taking care of that for me. Oh, if you haven't seen the Michael Moore documentary called "SICKO" you should. Opens your eyes wide to the inside world of American healthcare in comparison to the rest of the world. Very very interesting. And it kinda pissed me off to see what some of these companies and hospitals do to the patients.
Isabelle, or Isabrat as I've been calling her, had her 1 month checkup. It was a week late due to the doctor's office getting sick last week. She now weighs in at a whopping 10lbs 8oz. Her heart is strong. She got a shot in her thigh and she screamed for a second and then was all calm. She's a bleeder like her Mommy though. She bled right through that bandage, then it clotted right up. The reason she now has the nickname (probably not the most flattering one) is because she is totally different than Adam. Adam was so content to sit in his chair or boppy and take a look around. He loved to watch the ceiling fan and was just happy as a clam. Isabelle is the opposite. She's still a good baby, but she doesn't like to be set down in any one place for a length of time. She loves to be held all day long! Which is ok, but after while I need both hands! Hard to do dishes holding her. Sometimes I just let her cry for awhile which is bad because I think she's so cute when she cries.....so it really doesn't bother me at all. She's a pretty good sleeper now that we got her on schedule. She's usually in bed around 9-9:30 and gets back up around 3:30am. We lucked out with two babies that have their days and nights switched. She's feisty though. If she doesn't want her paci or bottle she lets you know by making faces and gagging. Gagging so hard she looks like she's going to be sick. She already rears back and practically jumps out of your arms. Her other nickname "diva" which she had since I was pregnant with her, suits her totally. Her Daddy and brother are in for it that's for sure!
My sister had a very bad car wreck last Friday. A driver ran a light and slammed into her which pushed her into a pole that ended up falling. She was blessed to only receive bumps and bruises, even the EMT said this. They were saying it was her fault at first, but in the end it came out that she didn't run a light- he did. In his 2008 Jaguar!!!!!!! She's got a constant spasm in her neck that a chiropractor is working on and now she has a rental, but she's scared to drive of course.
Daniel got a speeding ticket this morning....ugh! Everyone knows not to speed in Carrollton/Farmers Branch right? Oh well, in the scheme of things it's ok. Nothing like giving your money away and getting nothing out of it. 46 in 30 mph zone. Could have paid a week of daycare with that money.
I go back to work next Wednesday. I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'm just so not the housewife kind of person. I try to be, but it just depresses me. If she was older and Adam was here too , then I could see it, but I'm pretty much in need of seeing other humans. Ones over 3 ft tall. I'm also dreading to see what lies in store for me at work. Never fails that there are always changes when someone is out for any length of time. I've heard of some of the happenings, but I'll have to get in there to really find out. When I first worked here as a temp, they offered me a permanent position. Then I went on vacation, only to come back to no position. Yep, they rescinded their offer while I was on vacation. I know, it was shady, and there were other people involved, but I stuck it out. I love the department I'm in and things have changed somewhat. So, I just hope I don't get left out in the cold again. Ms. Jean will take care of Isabelle too. I hope she can figure her out. By this time with Adam, I knew all his different cries. Daniel didn't even believe me one day. Adam was crying and I told Daniel to go lay him down. He said that he couldn't be sleepy. I told him to please do it. Sure enough, he went right to sleep. I guess I did know what I was talking about. But, I can't figure Isabelle out. She's definitely a princess and just gives a shout and we all come running. Even Adam does!!! See, she is Isabrat!
P.S.- I got the neonatologist bill for her NICU stay. Just for his service - $5576. Thank you Cigna for taking care of that for me. Oh, if you haven't seen the Michael Moore documentary called "SICKO" you should. Opens your eyes wide to the inside world of American healthcare in comparison to the rest of the world. Very very interesting. And it kinda pissed me off to see what some of these companies and hospitals do to the patients.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Great Weekend- So Far!
Today was our first family portrait with Isabelle. Adam did good for the first few shots, but he was so done after that. He cried, he whined, he walked away....but we finally managed to get a few great shots. We got our family portrait done and we got some good ones of them two. I can't wait to see the final result.
On Friday I got my haircut and highlighted. It's been a long time (I think since I was pregnant with Adam) that I've had anything done to it besides a cut. My hair was born again virgin hair and was back to its natural color. It's a few inches shorter and now has reddish/brown highlights. I like it! While I was there I was able to visit with two good friends. They came to the hospital to visit, but were unable to even see the little diva since she was in the NICU. Angela finally got to hold her and Belle just cuddled right to next to her. Niki has done my hair since I was like 14 or 15 and these two ladies have been a part of my life for so long. I didn't realize it until I read Angela's blog, but we've known each other since 6th grade!!! 20 years or so! Oh goodness, I'd hate to even know what she could blackmail me with. I was so foolish and immature. These two have seen me at my best and worst and yet they still call me their friend! They even hung around at the hospital and helped while I was so sick to my stomach. True friends will hold your hair back and get you wet towels! Thanks!
My sister had a really bad car wreck on Friday morning. A man in a Jaguar ran a light and they collided going 40 mph! She's alright- Thank you God! The paramedics told her she was very fortunate to come out of the wreck with only bumps and bruises. When he hit her it pushed her into a pole, which then fell. She's pretty sore of course, but if she's feeling pain then she's alive right!!! Hopefully she'll be able to get into a new vehicle and cautiously make her way back on the road. I know she'll be scared, but she's a strong woman. She'll be fine!
After our portrait session today we did some shopping. I finally bought myself some new shoes- two pairs in fact! My cousins in law got me a gift card for my last birthday and I finally got to use it. I didn't want to while I was pregnant so now was the time. Then we went to Italiannis for lunch, also with a gift card that was also given by the same cousins in law! Thanks Susan and Jeff! You guys provided a full day of enjoyment for us!
Isabelle is working on her neck muscles. She wants to hold her head up so badly. She's just so darn cute!!!! All her fuzziness is beginning to go away. Her cheeks are almost fuzz free now, but she's got little bumps now. I guess since now the hairs aren't there to protect her skin.
Adam got underwear today!!! Monday begins the potty training. We will work together with his sitter to do this. I can't wait to see if he catches on quickly. He's got spiffy Cars underwear for his time with her, then he's cute Elmo ones for home. I think he'll be so proud! It's hard to believe he's going to be so big. I'm beginning to gather info on his 2nd birthday party. We hope to enroll him into Soccer Tots after he's all potty trained. We think it'll be a great way for him to interact with more kids, run off energy, and begin working more on his coordination. I don't think he'll be tall, so that pretty much leaves baseball and football. I just hope he enjoys sports and wants to be involved with these kinds of things. Can't you just see it- Adam playing football and Isabelle cheerring for him in her cute uniform and pom poms? Adorable!
My parents are coming over tomorrow. This means my arms won't get a chance to get tired of holding the baby. They'll spoil them rotten and leave us to deal with it.
On Friday I got my haircut and highlighted. It's been a long time (I think since I was pregnant with Adam) that I've had anything done to it besides a cut. My hair was born again virgin hair and was back to its natural color. It's a few inches shorter and now has reddish/brown highlights. I like it! While I was there I was able to visit with two good friends. They came to the hospital to visit, but were unable to even see the little diva since she was in the NICU. Angela finally got to hold her and Belle just cuddled right to next to her. Niki has done my hair since I was like 14 or 15 and these two ladies have been a part of my life for so long. I didn't realize it until I read Angela's blog, but we've known each other since 6th grade!!! 20 years or so! Oh goodness, I'd hate to even know what she could blackmail me with. I was so foolish and immature. These two have seen me at my best and worst and yet they still call me their friend! They even hung around at the hospital and helped while I was so sick to my stomach. True friends will hold your hair back and get you wet towels! Thanks!
My sister had a really bad car wreck on Friday morning. A man in a Jaguar ran a light and they collided going 40 mph! She's alright- Thank you God! The paramedics told her she was very fortunate to come out of the wreck with only bumps and bruises. When he hit her it pushed her into a pole, which then fell. She's pretty sore of course, but if she's feeling pain then she's alive right!!! Hopefully she'll be able to get into a new vehicle and cautiously make her way back on the road. I know she'll be scared, but she's a strong woman. She'll be fine!
After our portrait session today we did some shopping. I finally bought myself some new shoes- two pairs in fact! My cousins in law got me a gift card for my last birthday and I finally got to use it. I didn't want to while I was pregnant so now was the time. Then we went to Italiannis for lunch, also with a gift card that was also given by the same cousins in law! Thanks Susan and Jeff! You guys provided a full day of enjoyment for us!
Isabelle is working on her neck muscles. She wants to hold her head up so badly. She's just so darn cute!!!! All her fuzziness is beginning to go away. Her cheeks are almost fuzz free now, but she's got little bumps now. I guess since now the hairs aren't there to protect her skin.
Adam got underwear today!!! Monday begins the potty training. We will work together with his sitter to do this. I can't wait to see if he catches on quickly. He's got spiffy Cars underwear for his time with her, then he's cute Elmo ones for home. I think he'll be so proud! It's hard to believe he's going to be so big. I'm beginning to gather info on his 2nd birthday party. We hope to enroll him into Soccer Tots after he's all potty trained. We think it'll be a great way for him to interact with more kids, run off energy, and begin working more on his coordination. I don't think he'll be tall, so that pretty much leaves baseball and football. I just hope he enjoys sports and wants to be involved with these kinds of things. Can't you just see it- Adam playing football and Isabelle cheerring for him in her cute uniform and pom poms? Adorable!
My parents are coming over tomorrow. This means my arms won't get a chance to get tired of holding the baby. They'll spoil them rotten and leave us to deal with it.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Daniel has been working later lately. After all the issues that arose last week with his work he's had to just suck it up and do it. That's fine, but that leaves me to doing lots of stuff that leaves me exhausted. You don't realize how much you can't do after a c-section! I used an apple corer and it hurt!!! I've also had to break the doctor's restrictions and pick up Adam few times. He can't climb into the Saturn easily and then into his seat because it sits so high. So, that's left me lifting him up. That can't be good either. Add in the laundry too and my doctor is so going to get after me. When I had Adam I reopened my incision and it got infected because I was doing too much. I swore to take it easier this time, but how can you when you see the laundry piling up, kitchen to be cleaned, trash taken out, dinner to be made, child to pick up, and on and on? Last night I got everything done while he tried to keep Isabelle awake, I went to bed feeling exhausted and unappreciated. I know all this is typical "housewife" stuff and should be done by me, but would a thank you be too much to ask for? I cried last night out of frustration and I must admit, a touch of those darn baby blues. They've snuck up on me when I thought I'd managed to avoid it.
Isabelle had her cardiology appointment on Tuesday. They hooked her up to all these leads for her EKG and she was not happy!!! I was glad none of these had to go on her back! She's still pretty hairy, like most Hispanic babies, and that would have been like a waxing! She also had an echocardiogram and she behaved very well during this. She still has the tiny hole in the muscle of her heart, but all indications are that it will begin closing as she gets bigger and her heart begins to grow too. It should just start to fill in. She goes back in 6 months, but other than that she is growing perfectly. She now weighs 9lbs 12 oz. However, none of this has gone to her tiny feet. She was supposed to have her 1 month checkup this morning. We had all gotten up, I was ready, I was getting her dressed and then the call came. Our favorite, Dr. Powell, is sick. His P.A. is also sick, along with the nursing staff too! Lucky Isabelle, she got a delay for her shots.
Adam, my Adam, he's so much like his father! Headstrong and won't take no for an answer. We've been making it a point to sit with him, play more, use our flashcards, and say a prayer for patience. We're working on his language skills. I know he won't develop some sounds til much later, but when he mimics some words they are still jumbled. I don't know how to explain it. M, N, D, B, P...these seem to be our big problem letters. He more or less mimics the syllables. So, we use flashcards and books to practice. He knows what the word is and we know what he means (usually), but we're trying to tie it all together. Anyone who knows him knows that getting him to say somethings is like pulling wisdom teeth out of an alligator! It took me forever to get him to say "please", weeks and weeks or practice. Now it just comes out as "Meeeeze". He uses tons of words though, I just think I concentrate more on the ones he mispronounces instead of the ones he pronounces correctly. The best though is when he says love you. Ahhhh, that one he learned quickly. I was so happy!
On Saturday we are going to go for our first family portrait with Isabelle. A few months ago we had one done with just the three of us, that way Adam has a picture of just us three. Now, we'll have our complete family. Adam will be in his blue, Isabelle in an adorable pink dress (bought on clearance for $5 at Children's Place), and Mommy and Daddy in white probably.
Tomorrow I am going to go do something for myself. I am going to get my hair done! I've gone back to my natural hair color which is practically black. Now, I think I'll start getting my highlights back in like I used to. Just in time for pictures and it'll all be done for when I go back to work. Oh, speaking of work, I do fit in my uniforms!!! Whew! I don't think it's the weight I lost, but rather that they run big. Now I just need to figure out my jeans situation. Seems like everything else fits, but the shape of my hips has definitely changed and I don't think it's going to really change much soon. I do love my maternity jeans though, but I don't think I should keep wearing them. Too bad!
Isabelle had her cardiology appointment on Tuesday. They hooked her up to all these leads for her EKG and she was not happy!!! I was glad none of these had to go on her back! She's still pretty hairy, like most Hispanic babies, and that would have been like a waxing! She also had an echocardiogram and she behaved very well during this. She still has the tiny hole in the muscle of her heart, but all indications are that it will begin closing as she gets bigger and her heart begins to grow too. It should just start to fill in. She goes back in 6 months, but other than that she is growing perfectly. She now weighs 9lbs 12 oz. However, none of this has gone to her tiny feet. She was supposed to have her 1 month checkup this morning. We had all gotten up, I was ready, I was getting her dressed and then the call came. Our favorite, Dr. Powell, is sick. His P.A. is also sick, along with the nursing staff too! Lucky Isabelle, she got a delay for her shots.
Adam, my Adam, he's so much like his father! Headstrong and won't take no for an answer. We've been making it a point to sit with him, play more, use our flashcards, and say a prayer for patience. We're working on his language skills. I know he won't develop some sounds til much later, but when he mimics some words they are still jumbled. I don't know how to explain it. M, N, D, B, P...these seem to be our big problem letters. He more or less mimics the syllables. So, we use flashcards and books to practice. He knows what the word is and we know what he means (usually), but we're trying to tie it all together. Anyone who knows him knows that getting him to say somethings is like pulling wisdom teeth out of an alligator! It took me forever to get him to say "please", weeks and weeks or practice. Now it just comes out as "Meeeeze". He uses tons of words though, I just think I concentrate more on the ones he mispronounces instead of the ones he pronounces correctly. The best though is when he says love you. Ahhhh, that one he learned quickly. I was so happy!
On Saturday we are going to go for our first family portrait with Isabelle. A few months ago we had one done with just the three of us, that way Adam has a picture of just us three. Now, we'll have our complete family. Adam will be in his blue, Isabelle in an adorable pink dress (bought on clearance for $5 at Children's Place), and Mommy and Daddy in white probably.
Tomorrow I am going to go do something for myself. I am going to get my hair done! I've gone back to my natural hair color which is practically black. Now, I think I'll start getting my highlights back in like I used to. Just in time for pictures and it'll all be done for when I go back to work. Oh, speaking of work, I do fit in my uniforms!!! Whew! I don't think it's the weight I lost, but rather that they run big. Now I just need to figure out my jeans situation. Seems like everything else fits, but the shape of my hips has definitely changed and I don't think it's going to really change much soon. I do love my maternity jeans though, but I don't think I should keep wearing them. Too bad!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hold On!
This has been a pretty busy few days. There have been issues with Daniel's work, but they seem to be better. I am officially on disability while I've been on maternity leave. I am not released to lift anything heavier than the baby, I had major surgery, and am having problems with my right hip (more on this later). Anyway, for the last few weeks of my pregnancy, Daniel had been leaving early enough to pick up Adam and this continued through these last few weeks too. Some nights he couldn't and our sitter graciously kept Adam til sometimes 7pm!!!!! Well, Daniel's boss talked to him about this schedule and told him that he is needed at work. We all agree on that, however, there is no one else available to pick up Adam, unless I do it at the risk of hurting myself. Daniel felt like he was being forced to choose, poor guy. He's got this wife who's always on his case about how much he works and misses out on at home. Then, he's got work that always demands overtime. He's the only "family man" there. All the others are single, live with their parents, no kids, and no reason not to be able to work 24 hours a day. But, I also told him that his work is walking a fine line when it comes to this. He's the caretaker for a person on disability and it was the birth of a child. He could have easily taken FMLA and where would that have left them? He was so over work last week and we were thisclose to him just being a stay at home dad. Instead, he'll stick it out, we'll do what we have to do, and if they decide they don't need him then we'll cross the bridge. On Friday I picked up Adam since Daniel had to work late (no surprise there). It was rough. Adam isn't quite big enough to climb into the car and then into his seat. So, I had to help him. Ummmm, it didn't feel to good. But we made it.
On Saturday we went to a party and Adam got to run off energy in two bounce houses. He climbed up the inflatable slide all by himself. My big boy. He's so fun right now at this age. He's spouting off new words nearly every hour when he repeats what we talk to him about. He's even begun eating better too, but he definitely has his own opinions about everything! After the party we went to Ikea and bought curtains for our huge windows, a new lamp, and chair cushions. Finally!!!! Now if I can just get Daniel to hang them up. Daniel is the biggest procrastinator I know. After this we went to Stonebriar Mall. I have been wanting a book for a month now and I finally was going to buy it. Turns out the bookstore returned the last two copies they had back to the publisher. I was heartbroken!!! I was forced to find a replacement. I love to read. It's my calm in the storm. I love to climb into bed and crack open a new book. We bought Adam two new books that have become his prized posessions! He's never loved any book the way he loves these. We did some shopping for clothes for the kids and then got home around 10. That's a looooong day for us. It was a great day though. Adam was great and behaved the whole day!!! I know some people won't believe that, but he really did! That same night Daniel was so excited to have all the necessary income tax paperwork that he got online and filed. Yep, already done and sent off. A very nice return this year. It'll go into the savings until we decide what we need to do. We've got to look into a new car or van. Something bigger than the Acura and more dependable. We'll have to see what we can do with our credit. I hate rejection.
For some reason my right hip hurts so much sometimes. It's not a constant pain and that's what kinda sucks. It's a pain that will just strike all of a sudden and will stop me in my tracks. It almost feels like it catches and gets stuck. I have to make an effort to move it and I feel each tiny inch of movement too. I will have to speak to the doctor about this. I'm sure it's because I haven't dropped all my weight yet. I tried on my old jeans and I was let down. It's amazing how your body changes so much. I've always had slimmer hips and thighs. Well, two kids later and all that's changed. My jeans did not creep an inch over these hips! I looked at the tag to check the size and nope they weren't ones from high school (darn it!). My shirts all fit right again, but those pants are not going to work. Looks like longer workouts, more water, better foods for me.
Isabelle is staying awake for longer periods of time and she's begun looking at us and cooing. So sweet! It's moments like those that make me sad she's my last one. Last night she refused to go to sleep. It's moments like those that make me glad she's my last one.
It's already February. I can't believe how life goes by so fast. My mom has a milestone birthday in April and Daniel turns 32. Adam turns two in May. Joseph graduates college in May too. He's doing so well and I can't believe I was only 10 when he was born. It just all seems to go by and you just have to do the best you can to hold on.
On Saturday we went to a party and Adam got to run off energy in two bounce houses. He climbed up the inflatable slide all by himself. My big boy. He's so fun right now at this age. He's spouting off new words nearly every hour when he repeats what we talk to him about. He's even begun eating better too, but he definitely has his own opinions about everything! After the party we went to Ikea and bought curtains for our huge windows, a new lamp, and chair cushions. Finally!!!! Now if I can just get Daniel to hang them up. Daniel is the biggest procrastinator I know. After this we went to Stonebriar Mall. I have been wanting a book for a month now and I finally was going to buy it. Turns out the bookstore returned the last two copies they had back to the publisher. I was heartbroken!!! I was forced to find a replacement. I love to read. It's my calm in the storm. I love to climb into bed and crack open a new book. We bought Adam two new books that have become his prized posessions! He's never loved any book the way he loves these. We did some shopping for clothes for the kids and then got home around 10. That's a looooong day for us. It was a great day though. Adam was great and behaved the whole day!!! I know some people won't believe that, but he really did! That same night Daniel was so excited to have all the necessary income tax paperwork that he got online and filed. Yep, already done and sent off. A very nice return this year. It'll go into the savings until we decide what we need to do. We've got to look into a new car or van. Something bigger than the Acura and more dependable. We'll have to see what we can do with our credit. I hate rejection.
For some reason my right hip hurts so much sometimes. It's not a constant pain and that's what kinda sucks. It's a pain that will just strike all of a sudden and will stop me in my tracks. It almost feels like it catches and gets stuck. I have to make an effort to move it and I feel each tiny inch of movement too. I will have to speak to the doctor about this. I'm sure it's because I haven't dropped all my weight yet. I tried on my old jeans and I was let down. It's amazing how your body changes so much. I've always had slimmer hips and thighs. Well, two kids later and all that's changed. My jeans did not creep an inch over these hips! I looked at the tag to check the size and nope they weren't ones from high school (darn it!). My shirts all fit right again, but those pants are not going to work. Looks like longer workouts, more water, better foods for me.
Isabelle is staying awake for longer periods of time and she's begun looking at us and cooing. So sweet! It's moments like those that make me sad she's my last one. Last night she refused to go to sleep. It's moments like those that make me glad she's my last one.
It's already February. I can't believe how life goes by so fast. My mom has a milestone birthday in April and Daniel turns 32. Adam turns two in May. Joseph graduates college in May too. He's doing so well and I can't believe I was only 10 when he was born. It just all seems to go by and you just have to do the best you can to hold on.
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